Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

My mother always told me that life would be hard for me if I wasn't nice. Let's just say, when I was younger, I wasn't a nice kid. When I was in Kindergarten, I would always break other peoples crayons or pull other little girls piggy tails and sometimes even threaten to stab them with my scissors. I wouldn't actually stab them of course, I was just always upset.

I loved my parents very much. It was my mother, my dad, and I. We were happy just the three of us. Until my parents told me I was going to have another brother or sister. I didn't want to share my parents with them, so I just became a mean little girl. After the baby was born, It turned out I had a little sister. I would always call her names and tease her 'till she cried.

That's when a new boy came to school. He seemed nice, but I was never nice to people. The first day he came to my school, he had to sit next to me at my table because there was no more room at any of the other tables. The teacher would never put anyone by me because she knew about my anger issues.

That day at snack, he started talking to me.

"Hi! I'm Hayes! What's your name?" He stated with a big grin. His big blue eyes started at mine.

"I don't like people." I respond with a attitude.

"That's okay. Maybe you can like me. Do you like animal crackers?" He chimed. I glared at him. He reached in his brown paper sack and pulled out a small bag of animal crackers.

"Here! You can have a couple if you'd like!" He smiled as he handed me a couple crackers. I was starting to like this kid, just a little bit.

Turns out Hayes and I really hit it off. He became one of my only friends at that school. My mom was glad I finally was making progress and being nice to someone. Hayes really helped me change for the better.

I started to ease up a little on my little sister, but I still deeply despised her with a passion for stealing my parents away from me. My parents ended up naming her Maggie.

Hayes and I stayed friends all the way until now, and were still friends. We're both 13 now. I have started to become nicer to people, but Hayes is still really my only friend. Our families are really close, so Hayes and I do EVERYTHING together. When I say everything, I mean everything. Not like that, but like, if my mom has to go to the store, Hayes and I both go with here.

Even though Hayes is a boy, I tell him everything. From when I'm on my period to when I'm keeping a secret. We can read each other like a book. Maybe that's why I like him so much. He has been my only friend I have had my whole life, and the only one I will ever need.

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