Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

The thing was, Hayes had only told me he loved me in a joking sense. Like when he made me mad, joking, he would tease and say he loved me.

But this was different. This was like he actually meant it. Like he built up all of his courage to just pour it out. Maybe he just meant it in a friend way.

I should really talk to Hayes about this though. We both can't keep hiding our feelings away from each other. I can't believe he hadn't noticed though. He knows me like the back of his hand.

Hayes pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I tried my hardest not to smile or do anything because he thought I was asleep.

I finally thought he was done moving until I felt his lips touch my forehead. He pulled away and snuggled closer to me.

Hayes and I had never been this physically close before. It was different. How could we be totally 100% just friends this morning, and now like this?

But now that I think about it, Hayes and I have never been 100% just friends. Maybe we both had been hiding our feelings away from each other for a long time, afraid the other doesn't feel that way about them.

But now I know. Hayes had been falling for me this whole time and I didn't even notice it. Ever since Kindergarten. That's why he gave me his animal crackers.

I put the puzzle pieces together. That's why he's so over protective of me. That's why he beat the crap out of Grant for me. That's why he kisses my cheek everyday. That's why his face brightens every time he sees me.

I wonder is Hayes knows that I like him back. The thing is, what if it doesn't work out. Would we go back to being best friends again or become strangers with memories. Some amazing memories we have. I just might love Hayes too...

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