Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

"Here!" Hayes yells. He turns around and hands something to me.

"What is this?" I ask, puzzled.

"It's a penny board." He explains. He grabs a second on for himself then stands up. "Come on! Let's go ride!"

We walk to the front door then he stops.

"I'll be right there! Go wait on the porch for me!" He tells me. I walk outside and sit on the bench.

About 30 seconds later, Hayes comes running out.

"Okay. Let's go."

"There's just one problem..."

"What?" He asks.

"I don't know how to ride this thing." I tell him. He laughs.

"Same way you would me."

"HAYES!" I yell and smack him.

"I'M JUST KIDDING!" He laughs and I laugh.

"Okay but for real! How am I supposed to do this?" I ask. He helps me get up and he gets on his board and shows me how. I push off with one foot and after a while, I get the hang of it.

Hayes and I ride side by side down the side of the street. He grabs my hand and were both riding and holding hands at the same time. I guess that wasn't a good idea because we both wipe out. We fall into the grass and laugh.

"I hate you!" I tease. We both can't stop laughing.

"I hate you too." He replies. He laughs and looks at me. He leans in and plants a kiss on my lips.

"Let's try this again!" He says and he stands up and reaches his hand out to help me up.


Hey guys! Okay so thank you guys so much for reading! I'm gonna try to start being more active. But how would you guys feel if I changed my username and then I also put up another story rather than just this one? Just some ideas ☺️ let me know!(:

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