Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

That night I slept so good. It was probably because I dreamt about Hayes. I dreamt about us away and finding our own little place to stay. Not like an apartment, like a secret hide out kinda.

Hayes seems to always be on my mind. I can't help it. He makes me feel wanted and necessary.

I wake up and hop right in the shower. I get dressed and fly out the door. It's almost like I live in that house alone because no one really cares about me.

My mom confuses me. She used to care about me and now she hates me and ignores me. I don't know what I did.

I walk to Hayes' house and knock. Elizabeth opens the door.

"Hey Abbie! You know you don't have to knock, you can just walk right in, right?"

"I thought it would be rude to just walk into someone's house without knocking." I explain.

"Silly girl. You're a part of this family. Come here, I wanna talk you." She says with a smile. I smile back and walk behind her.

My stomach churns and my heart drops. Did I do something wrong?

She stops at the island in the kitchen and sits, so I grab a chair and sit.

"So Abbie, I love you like you're my own daughter. You know that right?" I nod and she continues.

"Which also means I trust you. A lot. You're such a lovely girl and I love having you around. You're around here more than you're around your own house." I nod, not sure where this is going.

"So I was wondering if maybe you would like to move in and share a room with Hayes. Or with Skylynn. It's totally up to you. Don't feel like you're being pressured into anything. I thought it would be a nice opportunity." I jump right up and she stands up and I embrace her in a hug.

"I love you so much Elizabeth!" She smiles.

"So that's a yes?"

"Of course!"


Boo! Okay so hi! I'm actually starting to write more on this story and I have a lot more coming for you guys. So get excited! I feel as if no one actually reads this story. I mean there is maybe a couple people but I feel like no one is so involved with this story. So I just want to say thank you if you have been reading this story and "favoriting" it or liking it whatever it's called. Hahah. But this is pretty much saying I'm not giving up! I have a lot more stories coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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