Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. Last night with Hayes had been amazing. We had dinner and just talked about everything.

I slide out if bed and get in the shower. When I get out I slide on a pair of white high waisted shorts, grey crop top with reddish and white writing in it, and my grey vans to match my shirt. I put my necklace around my neck and apply some makeup. I put my hair in small beach curls because well, I don't know. I didn't have plans today, I just felt like dressing up.

I run downstairs and see my mom cooking breakfast with Maggie. I roll my eyes a little and ignore her. I'm not so mad at her for ruining our family anymore, it's just she is a big brat. She acts like the princess and gets everything she wants and it makes me mad. I can't stand her.

"Mommy. Abbie is being mean." She complains.

"Are you serious? All I did was walk in the room!" I yell.

"Hey! Both of you stop!" My mom yells. My dad comes walking in and joins in on the drama.

"I can't stand her! She is such a brat!" I yell.

"Hey!" My dad yells. They always take her side and it always pisses me off. Like, she's almost 8 and she's such a brat.

"I can't help I have an almost 8 year old sister who is a brat and can't fight her own battles! All you guys ever do is take her side! You guys don't give a crap about me! It's all about Maggie! I never do anything to her! She is just a stuck up snob!" I yell. My parents give me the death glare and I slide past them towards the door.

"And where do you think you're going?!" My dad yells.

"Away from you!" I yell back and slam the door shut. I run to Hayes' house, tears escaping my eyes. I knock on the door and Hayes answers.

"Hey Abb-" his smile fades. He pulls me into a hug when he sees me crying. "What's wrong?" He asks, clearly upset that I'm upset.

We walk go his room and I tell him the story. He hugs me then starts to talk.

"I'm sorry. I heard all the yelling from over here and I didn't know what was going on. You don't deserve to be treated that way." He says. He kisses my forehead and wipes away my tears with his thumb.

"Stop crying beautiful. Your makeup is running. You don't need it anyways." He tells me. I smile and wipe the remaining tears. He kisses my cheek and stands up, holding his hand out for me to grab it. I accept it and he helps me up.

Hayes wraps me up in a hug. Hayes is always here when I need him. I'm always a better person when I'm with him. My parents just don't understand. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. My mom sometimes understands everything I go through but when it comes to Maggie, it's all about her.

Hayes wraps his hand in mine and we walk downstairs.

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