Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

The weekend went by plain and simple. Hayes and I hung out and didn't really do much.

I woke up and did my normal morning procedure. I didn't even bother saying bye to anyone as I walked out the door to meet Hayes.

When I walked out my front door he was walking towards my house.

"Good morning beautiful." He grinned. I smiled and he kissed my cheek. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the bus stop.

"So, when is your first game?" I asked him. I cheered at his games, but I didn't even really pay attention to when the first game was.

"Next Tuesday." He noted. I nodded my head and the bus came rolling around the corner. It screeched it's loud screeching sound as it halted to a stop. Everyone at the bus stop climbed onto the bus and stumbled to the nearest empty seat.

"Great." I mumbled to myself.

"What's wrong?" Hayes gulped.

"Nothing. I just forgot my homework." I told him. He signed.

"Now you did it!" He teased. I playfully hit his shoulder and we small chat the whole ride to school.

The rest of the week went by slow and boring. Cheer practice, football practice, dates, and homework. Grant didn't bother me too much and I liked that.

Hayes and I's relationship was doing really good. It felt like we had been dating for 5 years already. I don't know, it just seemed like I could be myself around him a lot and he was always there for me.

I ignored my parents and their stupid puppet most of the time. I felt like a roadblock in their way, so I tried to stay out if their path. I was at Hayes' most of the time. Elizabeth didn't mind so it all worked out. Skylynn loved having me other there too. Everything was fun at the Grier's house.

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