+you make up (pt. 2)

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(A/N- please vote and comment!)
Axl: Even though you were still furious at Axl, you couldn't find it in you to leave him. Eating a tub of ice cream, you sat on top of the kitchen counter. It must've been at least 3am, for it was pitch black, which normally would scare you, but you had far to much on your mind to be worried about that. The night was quiet, the only sound to be heard was the sound of you munching on snacks and sniffles in between. But the silence was broken by the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs. The footsteps progressively got louder and louder, making its way towards you. "Y/N?" Axls raspy voice called. Startled, you immediately looked up but scoffed when you saw him. "What are you doing?" He asked. "I can't sleep." You replied shortly with a slight sigh. "Me neither." He paused, shifting his eyes from the ground to you. "Y/N, I'm so, so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, you're my world, I love you, I understand if you can't forgive me but please just give me another chance. Please Y/N, I need you." He quaked. Tears of despondency slowly broke free followed by an unbroken stream. The sight of this made you feel so weak and frail. You couldn't help but wrap your arms around the doleful man. The sound of silent weeps filled the room as you slowly swayed back and forth in each others arms. "I love you Axl, the thought of not having you with me was the hardest part"
Slash: You laid curled up on Axls sofa, blankly staring at the television. Axl had left earlier, meaning you were alone. The emptiness around you felt pressuring. You and Slash have fought before, it was never as bad as this. He always apologized after your fight, but now it was different. What if that was the last time i'd ever see him? You couldn't think of your life without him, he always made you smile and laugh, you weren't ready to let him go. Although his drinking problem was incredibly infuriating, you loved him more than anything. A quiet knock broke the silence. With a groan, your feet hit the cold ground as you made your way over to the door. Your eyes widened when you opened the door to reveal a furtive Slash. "Y/N, i'm so sorry," He blurted as sadness clouded his features. You opened your mouth to say something but immediately got cut off. "I never wanted you to leave, I love you, Y/N" He said with a slight crack in his voice as he wrapped his arms around you, drawing circles with his thumbs. "Come back home, please?" He muttered in a raspy, low voice. His eyes met yours and they were red and glassy. "I'm sorry too," You smiled, holding his face close to yours. "Let's go home."
Duff: You tossed and turned, not able to sleep. The sheets were cold and felt empty without Duff. You couldn't help but wonder how he could possibly think you cheated. Sure, he was drunk, but it still hurt. Hot tears stained your cheeks as you silently weeped into the pillow. The pillow gave off Duffs scent, which usually made you feel safe and loved, but this time the scent reminded you of how much you missed him. His arms weren't wrapped around you, holding you close to him.
Getting up the next morning wasn't easy. You slowly sat up , shifting your eyes towards the empty space next to you. You pulled the bed covers over you and closed your eyes once again. You laid still until the sound of the door opening from downstairs broke the overwhelming silence. "Y/N?" A familiar voice called. You shot up out of bed and raced downstairs. Duff stood in front of the door, rugged hair and eyes full of sorrow. "I'm so sorry for everything I said last night, even though I don't remember much.." He trailed off as you wrapped your arms around him. "It's ok Duff, I forgive you." You smiled as you held your head against his chest. His eyes were red and puffed when he looked at you with pleading eyes. "You have no idea how much I love you" He murmured before leaning in to kiss your forehead.
Steven: You had locked yourself in your room almost an hour ago. You sat on the bed, resting your chin on your knees, arms around them. Did I overreact? You felt guilt building inside you. He never intended to make you so mad, or cry, in the heat of the moment you said some harsh things to your boyfriend, but you were paying the price now. An awful feeling of guilt and anger brewed up inside of you. With a sigh, you got up from the bed and tip-toed across the room, slowly opening the door. The sound of the tv and raspy breaths filled the room. The room was dark, but the light from the television illuminated Stevens face. He was wide awake, pale skin and dark shadows under his eyes. He sat still and completely frozen, blankly staring ahead. The floor creaked when you stepped forward, startling Steven. His eyes shifted towards you, his jaw tensed, not saying a word. "I'm sorry." You spoke, crossing an arm around yourself. He raised an eyebrow in confusion, then opened his mouth to say something but cut himself off with a smirk. "Don't be sorry, Y/N, it was a stupid thing for me to do in the first place, i'm sorry." he laughed, running his fingers through his hair. "Can you come to bed now? I can't sleep without you." You asked, choking back tears. "So i'm forgiven?" He said as he stood up. "Yes, you're forgiven." You chuckled, kissing his bruise from the fight before his lips. "Good, now lets go to sleep."
Izzy: You wandered through the streets of L.A, dominated by a bleeding heart. You held your head low in attempt to hide your tear stained face. He had left you, slammed the door and drove away without looking back. The urge to cry one thousand oceans grew more profound by the minute. Your legs trembled as you walked down the street full of lights and people. What if he's never coming back? What if he left me for good? You looked up at the bright city lights and all of the happy people thought the windows of bars and restaurants, reviving the memories you had with Izzy. You winced when you saw a black car slowing down next to you. Im going to die. You started walking faster, almost tripping over your trembling legs. "Y/N?" A familiar voice pierced the air. You quickly turned yourself around then gasped when you saw Izzy sitting in the front seat. "Izzy!" You cried in relief. He stopped the car and quickly jumped out. "I'm so sorry, I'm such a jerk...i'm sorry Y/N, please don't leave me, please." He blurted, wrapping his hands around yours. "I didn't mean anything I said... I-i love you Y/N" He desperately rambled. His pleading eyes stared deeply into yours, begging you to come back. "Of course i'm not going to leave you Izzy, I just- I just wanna hang out with you more." You chuckled through tears. A smile grew across his face before he leaned in to kiss your forehead. He held you close in hims arms as you slowly rocked back and forth. "I'm so sorry, I promise to be there for you more from now on"

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