17. First Lab

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"I will show you to the laboratory for this class. After today, we will meet in there, so don't go to this classroom unless I tell you to." Professor Chen says. "Pick a lab partner and follow me."

He starts walking out of the classroom as the kids scramble up, partnering with the person closest to them before following our teacher.

I start walking and Dong Yoo catches up to me. I take the opportunity. "Uh, wanna be partners?"

"Sure, I guess." He replies, and together we go to the lab.


"Okay, now add-"

"I know, Kyung Mi, I can read the procedure for myself." He scolds, adding the powder I was referring to.

I sigh. "Look, I don't want to be partners with someone who takes over the entire lab. We're not little kids anymore, so learn to work with other people."

He turns and glares at me. "Oh! I'm sorry, I just assumed that since we're not little kids anymore--as you so generously pointed out--that we don't need help with reading." He gives me a look. "At least, I don't, I don't know about you."

I visibly clench my jaw and he snickers grossly. That straight jawline is now asking to be punched, his beautiful eyes fogged by something I don't like seeing--arrogance.

Thank goodness I didn't fall for his looks without getting to know him first. Otherwise, I would have feelings for a total ass.

"Yeah, sorry, I don't think I want to deal with your crap. So shut up and let me help." I say, voice visibly raising.

"Is everything alright here?" A male voice says behind us. Professor Chen.

"Uh, Professor, I don't think-"

"Yes, everything's fine here!" I chirp, cutting Dong Yoo off.

Mr. Chen raises an eyebrow before walking off unsurely.

I pinch Dong Yoo's elbow. "Dude, were you seriously going to tell on me?"

He sneers. "No, I was just going to ask him if I can do the lab independently. I'm getting sick of this whole partner thing."

Jimin sighs from the table he was sitting on. He gets up and crosses his arms in front of Dong Yoo. "Hey, can you stop being such a child? She was just trying to help."

"Shut up, kid."

Jimin's fists clench and I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He exhales before giving in and sitting back on his table.

"Dong Yoo, don't tell him to shut up. Now, come on, let's stop fighting and finish this experiment."

"Fine." He mutters.

The redhead then takes to following my instructions as I read the sheet.

"How many spoons of salt?" He asks.

"Uh, three." I say after checking the paper.

He adds it before saying, "Kyung Mi, can you add the distilled water? I'm going to get a timer."


When he comes back and I'm about to add the saltwater to the test tube, he asks a question that stops me.

"But you already know the result of this experiment, right?"

I look at him. "H-huh?" How did he know?

Dong Yoo looks down. "I, uh, know about your dad. He's kind of popular." He smiles and I let out a soft laugh.

"Yeah, so?"

"Oh, come on, Kyung Mi. You've obviously learned a lot from him. He's done multiple surgeries that are possible because of why this lab works."

I looked at him, shocked. "How did you know?"

He grins sheepishly. "He's my role model. And-and I guess I was rude to you because I was a little threatened. Working with his daughter? I just thought you were too smart for MCOS."

I smile. "I don't really know what to say. I've never met one of his fans."

His face lights up in a way that starkly contrasts the arrogance that it displayed just minutes before. "Are you kidding? I'm his biggest fan!"

He's so cute! How did I not see this before?

Dong Yoo shakes his head slightly. "Anyway, let's just finish this. There's only a few steps left."

As he pours the saltwater, I continue the conversation. "Do--would you like to meet him some time?"

"Really?!" In his excitement, his hand jerks and the liquid in his hand spills onto my shirt.

"Aw, come on, you could've gotten it on the lab coat, but no, you got it on the gap in between?"

He hurriedly gets a paper towel from the dispenser and pats it over the stain, exclaiming, "I'm sorry!"

I laugh, stepping back so that he can no longer try to get rid of the spill. He freezes before looking up at me. He smiles sheepily.

"It's okay, Dong Yoo. Honestly."

"No, no but I feel bad!"

"Eh, forget about it. We both know you're just feigning an apology so that I won't recant my offer for you to meet my father." I look at him knowingly.

"No, I'm actually sorry. Can I treat you to coffee?"

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