Kyung Mi,
I hope to whatever's good in this world that you are reading this letter before it's too late.
Best case scenario, you and Jimin have figured out there's something deeper going on with the Sparked Mafia and you need to get as much information as possible. Which led you here.
All I can say for sure is that they're doing something to my mind. For the past couple of days, everything has been hazy and I'm starting to lose control of my movements. At first I thought it was my age catching up to me, but it happened much too soon after a dream I thought I had.
In the dream I was meeting an old friend for coffee. The friend was there when I arrived, as was the steaming cappuccino he'd already ordered for me. I remember feeling very happy to be meeting him after all these years, but as of now I can't recall his name. But I know he's important somehow. And I now realize that it wasn't a dream.
In fact, it was after that meeting that my memory started going kaput. After that point I have vague recollections of meetings with men that I assumed I worked with, and they told me things, confusing things, alarming things. Things about you and Jimin. About the danger you're in.
And for some reason, I can't knock the feeling out of my mind. Of course you're in danger, that's what Jimin is there for. But it's getting worse, Kyung Mi. I'm getting worse. And it has to be their fault.
I wish I could tell you more. I wish I could have some insane piece of information that leads you to the truth. But if I seem off in reality at the time that you read this, it's because I am.
I can't say for sure if the damage they're doing to me is reversible. You'll have to find that out yourself. But I need you to keep fighting for the truth, Kyung Mi. I'm not saying go to the Sparked Mafia and take them out yourself. But do something that will lead to their downfall.
I believe that's your role in this.
Good luck. I love you forever.
I lower the letter and start sobbing. Within seconds, a familiar scented body is wrapped around me, providing me comfort as I wet his suit jacket with my tears.
When my breathing evens as the crying dissolves, Jimin gently pulls away before taking the bloody paper from my hands.
I woefully smile when I remember how similar this situation is to when I read the first letter from the Sparked Mafia, what with the letter that made me emotional, the paper getting bloody, and someone being there to comfort me. So much has changed since then.
After Jimin reads it, he inhales sharply before squeezing my shoulder. "It'll be okay."
"You don't know that."
"I know it's what you need to hear," he smiles. "Come on, we should wash off your hand."
I nod before heading to the bathroom.
After some discussing, the three of us decide it's best to talk with Appa, to see if there's any more information we can get out of him.
"Appa?" I ask shakily.
"Yes, Kyung Mi?"
"We're at your place, and we want to talk. Where are you? Are you still at the park?"
"Oh, I was going to go to the movies, but I guess I could come back." His voice becomes alarmed as he demands, "are you okay?!"
"I'm fine, and so is Jimin. We're not in any danger, promise."
He clears his throat. "Uh, okay, I'll come home, then."
He looks between me, Jimin and Namjoon with a confused look on his face. "Are you really okay, Kyung Mi? These guys aren't threatening you or anything, are they?" He asks in Korean, as if the guys with me can't understand it.
"Of course not, Appa." I reply in English. "Jimin is my bodyguard, remember?"
"Hmm." He says unsurely, looking at Jimin. A lump forms in my throat when I realize the reality of my father's memory issues.
And it's all because of the damned Sparked Mafia.
When my breathing becomes uneven, Jimin subtly puts his hand on the small of my back before rubbing it soothingly.
I give a tight smile to the ground before turning my attention back to my father. "Appa, you wanted me to read this letter, and I just saw it today. Do you recognize it." I hand it to him and his expression changes to alarm when he thumbs the parts with dried blood on it.
"Don't worry, Mr. Lee," Namjoon says with a kind smile. "I got a paper cut when I was reading it and my finger was bleeding while I held it. Those are my blood stains, not Kyung Mi's."
I feel a surge of gratitude towards him. He knows not to worry Appa more than necessary, so there's no point in telling him I was the one bleeding--it would only add to his crazy thoughts of my being in danger from Jimin.
Appa clears his throat. "Well, okay then. I'll read it now."
It's obvious that he's trying to recall something moments after scanning the paper. "His name..." Appa says softly, and I feel a jump of excitement as the boys on either side of me lean forward slightly. If Appa remembers, we'll be able to at least name a supposed Sparked Mafia member, if nothing else.
It takes him a moment before his eyes light up and he says, "Hyukie! Of course, how could I forget?" He smiles. "The man I had coffee with was Jung Hyukjae."
Jung Hyukjae?

Bodyguard | PJM
FanfictionThe letters kept coming, threatening her. If Lee Kyung Mi, daughter of a popular surgeon in Korea, doesn't give the Mafia 3 million dollars in the next month, they'll kidnap her. Kyung Mi's father hires Korea's best bodyguard, Park Jimin, to protec...