25. Childhood Relived

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Ha Joon POV

Hands shaking, I lift the phone to my ear as I hear the long, screeching beeps followed by silent pauses. This cycle is supposed to continue until either the person you're calling picks up or the operator refers you to leaving a message.

Should I even call her? Maybe she doesn't want to talk to me. Maybe she's already moved on. Maybe-

"Hello?" A soft voice asks.

"Er...uh, Hye, hi! How-how are you?"

"Ha Joon, wow, it's so good to hear your voice again! Pull any good pranks lately?"

Relief spills through me as I hear her excitement act as music to my ears. "Well, I'll have you know that I'm the funniest guy on campus. Everybody-"

"Okay, I'll stop ya there; no need to brag over a talent you don't have."

I let out a string of disbelieving sounds resembling beatboxing. "I bet I could make you laugh in less than a minute!"

"Psh, alright then, I'll set a timer and you can try."

I wrack my brain through the multitude of puns and prank ideas to try to find something that will make Hye smile her beautiful smile.
I settle on one that I remember Kyung Mi telling us.

"What's it called when a snake is burning?"

I pause.


Hye snorts before breaking out into a fit of innocent laughter. "Looks like you've still got it, Joonie."

Heat rushes to my face as I remember the nickname from when we were kids. I try not to let my embarrassment show through my voice as I reply. "Of course I do. Like I said, funniest guy."

"Yeah, yeah. So anyway, was there any reason you called?"

"Oh, right." I clear my throat. I was so entranced by her playfulness that the reason of my calling slipped my mind. "I'm in Busan for a couple of weeks, and I wanted to-"

"That's so great we should meet up! I've missed you." Her voice strains at the end, making my heart burn. I've missed her so much that I can barely think straight sometimes.

"Are you free tonight? I'd like to take you out to dinner."

I can hear her breath catch in her throat through the phone. Was she taken aback? Maybe, maybe she's already in a relationship? I shouldn't have been so forward.

"Like a date? Wow, I didn't know the infamous King of Mischief had a classy side." She chuckles. "But, sure, I'd love to come."

"Great! Send me your address and I'll pick you up at 7."



"Shoot, what am I supposed to wear? Should I dress up or dress down? Granted, it is dinner so maybe I should wear a dress but then what if it's just like a fast food drive between old friends and jeans would do the trick?"

Du Ho grins. "Wow, Hye, I didn't see you as the worrying type. Despite that, guys don't usually care about this stuff so-"

"Not helping! As my friend and a male yourself you should tell me what the girl is expected to wear on the first...is this a date?"

"Hye, if he's picking you up to take you to dinner then I'm actually kinda positive that it's a date. And just wear whatever you want; you'd look beautiful either way."

I glare at him for a second. "While I appreciate the compliment, flattery doesn't do shit in helping me pick an outfit. Now..." I walk over to my bed and hold up two dresses, putting each in front of me one by one as if displaying how it looks on me. "Which is better?"

He tilts his head before making a decision. "I like the yellow one. It makes you look soft and sweet."

I sigh. "Um, okay, then I can pair the-"

"But, on the other hand, the red one says 'I'm confident and sexy and I know it.'"

I crumple on the floor and shut my eyes. "How will I ever pick one?!"

I look up and slowly open my eyes when I feel warm breath tickling my forehead. I'm greeted by the young boy with deep black eyes and hair so curly it could tangle a girl's feelings by a single glimpse at his attractive tanned face. "Like I said, you're beautiful. Either. Way. It really doesn't matter what you wear."

I plant my hand on his nose and smack his face away. "Go away. I don't want you here."

He laughs his simple, carefree laugh. Pssh. I remember being carefree. Right now, though, I am not carefree.

"Alright," he says, "if it means so much to you, I truly think the yellow one is prettier."

I heave a sigh. "Thank you! Ugh, finally."

"I gotta go now though." He kisses my head in a brotherly way. "Too bad I couldn't help you pick your makeup. You know how helpful I'd be."

Du Ho winks before exiting the room. In a few moments I hear the door to my apartment close.


From the moment I heard his dinner invitation and translated this to be a date in my head, I hoped it wouldn't be awkward.

But, sadly, as I chew my food, uncomfortable silence fills the air around us, clinging to our nervous selves.

I look down and twirl my unused fork. American cuisine. Does he even know me?

He clears his throat softly. "I...my friends took me out to this place when I first came to Busan. I thought you might like it."

"Are they miguk saram*?"

He meets my eye. "No, only one of them is pure American, actually. Why, do you not like the food?"

I shake my head. "I just thought that you'd take me to our favorite place, Tosokchon Samgyetang. Remember how we used to half-drag our parents there? They made one not too far from my apartment, you know."

Regret covers his features. "I know, I know. I just...thought it would be a nice second date option. You know, a way to charm you into agreeing to go out with me again."

Something twinges inside of me. "You thought of that?"

He half-smiles, and suddenly his face resembles something I remember from high school. The old Ha Joon, the one I'd fell in love with without realizing. "Of course, Jagi*."

My eye twitches before a single, hot tear makes its way down. And I couldn't can't it. I can't control the feelings engulfing my heart, the memories of our time together, the regret I felt when I left him in Seoul. And I can't control this.

I lean over the table and press my lips against his.


*Miguk saram means Americans, or American people.
*Jagi means honey, darling, dear, it's an endearing, sweet term

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