Running Shower.

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Merik: *whistles the Title Song as he leaves the bathroom, a towel slung over his shoulder*

*walks past the longest queue in bathroom history*

Gerik: *shirtless, as usual.*

If you've used up all the hot water again-

Merik: OK, so now I'm the villian of this household? Well, isn't that just dandy! You know, it's the same thing with you every day!

'Oh! Christine doesn't love me!'

'Oh, I never got the chance to cut Raoul's hair off!'

'Oh, I'll never sing like Merik!'

Gerik: What the actual-....

Cherik: *in his baby blue, teddy bear bathrobe, holding his favourite rubber duckie, Mr Squeaky.*

Oh, guys, not again, please, don't let's fight! I hate it so!

Gerik: *pokes his head through the door*

Are you kidding? You left the shower running!

*catches Merik upside the head*


Merik: *sniffs*

I don't know what you're talking about!

Gerik: Are you blind? It's running faster than Lerik's tears! THAT SHOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE!

Lerik: *gasps*

*his bottom lip begins to quiver and he bites it, eyes growing wide behind his mask*

Cherik: Gentlemen, this isn't nice!

*hands Lerik Mr Squeaky for comfort*

Merik: Way to handle the emotional ones.

Gerik: Emotional? You're the biggest drama queen in this house!

Merik: Yes, well... you're... not even ugly!

Lerik: *breath catches sharply in his throat*

*touches his mask softly*

*mumbles something about being ugly, I mean, come on, who heard tha-*

Kerik: *strolls through the middle of the group as they argue*

*to the reader* I left it running. You see, it's a trick of the light, the running water.

And I rigged the heating system. You know, boredom and all that.

*smirks at the arguing bunch*

Besides, they're funny when they argue.

*walks into the bathroom*

*locks the door*

Lerik: *stops crying*

*hugs Mr Squeaky tight, awaiting the explosions that might actually be set off in five... four... three... two-*

Cherik: *looks about nervously*

Iiiiiiiiiii'm going to go and bake some cookies....

Gerik: *stares at the locked door*

*drops the towel on the ground*

*mutters something about the gym*

Merik: I was never here....


Kerik: OH NO WAI-

*he screams as the cold water comes crashing down because of the rigged system*


It's 11.15pm.

I don't know why I wrote this. The idea was just... there. Therefore: if this gets updated, it gets updated. If it doesn't, it's because I'm working on RETURN or BENEATH THE PORCELAIN MASK or however many dang books I have to write....

I need sleep.

Yes, I'm blaming the fact that this part isn't ROFL worthy on the time.

I'll be getting some sleep now.

(That means I'm going to read more phanfiction.)

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