When at the salon...

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Haircuts in the phamily are LONG overdue! Christine can't take anymore of Merik's complaints about looking foppish, and is quite convinced that if she doesn't act quickly, Cherik will end up with an afro and Kerik with the Persia Haircut Nadir grumbles about every two to three weeks.

But getting said haircuts is easier said than done, because when each Phantom is dragged into the salon at last, their reactions are very, very different to each other.


Lerik cries. He doesn't have hair, and what little he manages to keep is grey and sparse. Ashamed, he refuses to take his hat off, and it's only when Christine kisses his masked cheek that he bursts into fresh tears and lets her take him to the chair.

Unfortunately, actually cutting his hair is an entirely new drama, because his head is raw and sore and the tight tugs actually hurt. He milks the situation, obviously, but is still reluctant to part with a lot of the little, unruly hair he keeps in the first place.


Kerik, surprisingly, enjoys the fuss. Unlike his brother, he keeps a fine head of thick, dark hair, greyer now at the sides and front with his age, and the feeling of the chatty, smiling hairdresser's fingers through it, marvelling at its silky texture, shuts him up and has him smiling for once.

Although, he isn't too happy when she drones on and on about Person A and Thingamabob B, and so uses the mirror to send funny imitations of her to the others. Christine sends him a warning glare when Cherik can't hold back his giggles anymore, but he simply ignores that little detail and returns to watching the lady in the mirror, working his greying hair into something more... tamed. Gentlemanly. Elegantly refined. So long as she doesn't touch the mask ties, he's half convinced he might actually enjoy this.


Cherik has four combs stuck in his hair and his hairdresser has no idea how to get them out.

He yelps whenever she touches them, surprisingly sensitive all of a sudden, and is getting quite frustrated and annoyed until Christine comes to help get them out. For some reason, he's not so sensitive when it's her untangling them. The hairdresser tries to hide her offense for the rest of the session, throwing little 'oh's and 'mm's around whenever he corrects her choice of brush. He can see the temptation to shave him bald glistening in her eyes, and just because he can, he dares her back with more sass. Christine comes to the rescue here.

The scissors - an attempt to tame some of the messier curls - were just a bad idea. Again, Christine to the rescue; this time, she's required to sing to keep him still and quiet as his auburn curls fall to the floor. He's rather disgruntled about that, but forgets all about it as soon as he (finally) looks into the mirror, quite shocked and yet happy at the tidy, aesthetically pleasing result of this endeavour. The cut suits his mask, he thinks.


Merik knows exactly what he wants. In fact, the moment he sits himself down, he pulls out a list of all the styles, coupled with magazine cutouts of Ryan Gosling (Christine doesn't burst his bubble about needing a tad more than a haircut for that).

When asked in a splutter about a style he perhaps doesn't want, he simply grins and pulls out another picture, pointing in earnest. His stylist just decides to go with what she can do; she for one thinks this 'Fopdoodle' looks rather hot. He gets a short back and sides in the end.

He talks endlessly, hardly pausing for breath; he's that customer, always gossiping, mainly about Broadway and how Jay Johnson ripped his heart apart by shaving the Raoulstache. He makes sure to boomerang a Crawford Cross, actually halting the session and making his hairdresser stand back to get the perfect angle and lighting. And the person to diss Ali... someone keep him in the house for a few days. Hair curlers went flying.


Gerik is just there to get the hairdresser's phone number. In addition, he also wants a nice curve to his hair. Merik mimed sloppy actions of affection as his brother chatted her up, much to Cherik's hidden disgust. One problem: she's a lesbian. He goes home a disappointed man.


(Yerik couldn't be pulled from the car. He's still clinging to the seat, refusing to leave, and crying buckets. He just wants to go home; the 'vast open world' is a bit much at this stage.)


I haven'tbeen absent for a while, whaaaaaat??

Reminder that the first part of Porcelain Mask is going live here on Wattpad in one week!! (That also means I have a week and a half left of summer holidays, shemeurr. At least I finished it during the break!) Keep your eyes peeled for it next Saturday, and enjoy this for now!

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