Movie Night

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After the bitter disappointment of having to sit through two hours of docudrama about the Founding Fathers of America, the Eriks have been dragged away from the posters, the drinks cabinet, the two litre Coca Cola bottles and the stuffed animals machine (Cherik sees, Cherik wants, Cherik doesn't get no matter how much he protests for a few Euro so he can try to win one of the bears) and deposited back in the house on the lake. But Merik is still craving a good musical...


Merik: *kneeling in front of the television and DVD set, taking out a favourite of his and setting it in the tray*

Kerik: *out of literally nowhere, again. Seriously, man, all this sneaking around is getting scary!*
*sips his vodka*
Which film?

Merik: *nearly jumps out of his skin*
Jeepers creepers, Kerik, don't sneak up on people like-

Kerik: Which. Film?

Merik: *glances at the TV as it plays through the ads on the disc*
*mutters into his chest*
Mes Lizzardarbdays.

Gerik: *strolls in and plonks himself on the sofa*
What's that?

Kerik: Les Mis, it seems.

Gerik: Does it have guns?

Merik: Not everything is about guns, Gerik.

Gerik: Yeah, but it's Les Miserablés. There has to be gu-

Merik: ALRIGHT! Yes! Yes, there are guns in this film!
*throws himself on the couch, folding his arms like a huffy child*
If you wish to watch it, then watch it quietly. Do not bother me with your talk of guns until-

Jeremy Desrosiers: *tips his hat politely*
Beg pardon, Monsieur, but the quote's wrong, Monsieur. What I actually said were: "If you wish to read it, then read it to yourself. Don't bother me with your Monsieur Blake until we are in Rosiers-"

Gerik: No one cares about you or your unpublished quotes, Desrosiers. Get back to the drafts section of Wattpad.

Jeremy: *pulls an indignant face, trying to keep the tears down*

Lerik: Do I have to pat you on the back and say I feel your pain? Because that seems rather gushy and a bit too lovey for my t-

The opening to the DVD plays, silencing everyone.

Cherik: *wanders in*
*sees the film playing and claps his hands in excitement*
Les Mis! Les Mis! I've always wanted to see this!
*sits crosslegged before the TV, gazing up at it in awe*

Christine: *hurries in after him*
Oh, no you don't!
*scoops him up and tries to lead him out of the room*

Cherik: But I want to see the movie with the others! Oh, Christine, please let me watch it!

Christine: Absolutely not! You're far too young! Les Miserablés is a film for people twelve and older!

Cherik: But I'm thirty-

Kerik: Nonsense. I've drank wine older than you.

Nikki: What in Leroux's name is going on in here?! Did I just walk in on some sort of daycare meeting?

All the Eriks: *snap their heads up to stare at her*

Nadir: *runs in, panting*
I'm sorry, boys! She got past me! The rumours about women running in corsets? Not true.
*doubles over, dragging long gasps*

Gerik: MAKE WAY!
*runs for the door*

Kerik: *screams*
*disappears into a cloud of smoke*

Cherik: *hides behind Christine*

Lerik: *crashes through the window in his panic, blows up an opera house, murders two people, dives into the duck pond and stays there, breathing through a reed*

Merik: *hides behind the sofa, making the sign of the cross at her*

Jeremy: Mon Amour!
*hugs her from behind*

Nikki: Les Mis and chill?

Jeremy: *grins*
Les Mis and chill, mon amour.

Merik, still behind the sofa: *cries to himself softly*
But it's my Les Mis and Chill time with Christine....


Aaaaahhhh, so now is the time when you meet Nikolai de La Chance! She's my mc/oc in my WIP phanfiction, Beneath the Porcelain Mask and, if you've read any of my script comments, she's the unnamed character I use for them (Hear that? That's the fourth wall crumbling), the girl who always sasses Erik and basically makes his life more hell than it already is! In a nutshell:

Nikolai de La Chance is a young maid in the nineteenth century Paris Opera House with a habit of getting her own way, thanks to the friendship she has cultivated over the years with The Phantom himself. But when Jeremy Desrosiers stumbles into her life and shows her just how little control she has ever had over her own fate, Nikki is faced with a decision that will change her life forever: should she stay in the shadows where she's hidden since her birth and try to save The Phantom from his own insanity, or step into the light and live the life she's only ever seen in her dreams and books?

I personally adore Nikki: she's super fun to write and she puts Erik in his place quote a bit in the first and second acts. But I wonder how she will fare with five Phantoms to keep an eye on....?

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