Road Trip.

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Somehow, Christine has found it in herself to forgive the Phantoms for their recent antics. To apologise for locking them all in the attic for a few days after their vandalism spree, she's booked tickets to Les Miserablés, especially for Cherik as his birthday is fast approaching.

There is one, slight problem however: the theatre is the other side of the country, three hours by car, and she can't bear to think whay will happen if she lets them loose on public transport instead. The family car can seat only five people, and since Raoul adamantly refuses to let any Erik near his other car, that can mean only one thing...

Gerik: *standing with the others in a line, regarding the vehicle before them in the drive*
Well, that settles it. I'm driving.

Merik: Wait-

Gerik: I know, I know. It's too selfless, I understand. You all get to do what you want for the three hours, but I will concentrate on the road to keep us alive. You can thank me later.

Merik: But I-

Gerik: Also, I'm the only one with a licence, sooo....

Merik: You are NOT!
*flashes his own licence at him*
Liar, Liar, cape on fire!
*he launches himself into the driver's seat and a fight ensues over the steering wheel*

Lerik: *watching with disinterest*
Passenger seat is mine.

Cherik: But I always have the passenger seat!

Kerik: *rolls his eyes and slips away*

Lerik: That's the point. Hand it over for once.

Cherik: *gapes in horror*

Merik: *limps back from the door clutching his cheek*
You can all bugger off. If I can't have the wheel, I'll take the next best thing!
*tries to push his way through them both, stopped only when Lerik and Cherik form a wall to block his path and turn to face him*

Lerik: It's not going to happen, I tell you!
*pushes Merik back slightly by the shoulders*
Come now, I'm the oldest, and I say it's mine!

Cherik: But Gerik's the youngest and he got-

Lerik: Exactly! Let the young whippersnappers do the work, is what I say! Theses bones won't hold up if One is squashed up in the back!

Merik: No! I refuse to loose to a man who thinks he can get away with insolence!
*tries to bypass them, but they scurry to the side and block him again*

Cherik and Lerik: *exchange wry glances*

Cherik: Please, enlighten us. It must be horrible.

Lerik: Do.

Gerik: Are you twits getting in this car or not?

Merik: *scowls and pushes past them completely, sending Cherik stumbling over his feet into the flowerbeds*
*rounds the back of the car and is about to climb into the passenger seat when-*
Oh my Webber, not you! Anyone but you!

The Phantoms of the Opera And The Things They Do To Annoy Nadir.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat