Lost in Time.

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Look who actually updated! Dediciated to Got_Destler

Time travel. It had fascinated most of the Phantoms from a very early age, though none outwardly showed any interest whatsoever. Merik had always wanted to explore the Opera Garnier in the days of old. Gerik liked the idea of futuristic technologies. Cherik wanted to see a real life dinosaur, Lerik wanted to meet some composers who'd died before his time, and Kerik... Kerik was interested in the science of time travel. The space-time continuum, the movement of energy, the way living particles might use lightspeeds and vortexes to their advantage.

But despite their interests, nothing had ever come of them. There was never a mention of the subject at dinner, or on days out, or in causal conversation, even between the boys themselves. Not until a morning in late May one year...


Cherik is outside, reading, with Lerik writing some new music beside him.


Cherik: Have you read this?
*shoves his book under Lerik's nose as they sit together on the garden bench, a clever piece of stone-masonry with no back to it, though Kerik has never agreed*

Lerik: *squints and pulls away*
Cherik, please-!

Cherik: *at the top of his lungs*

*A bright light sweeps across the lawn, gone as quickly as it came*

Lerik, who crouched over in a quick reflex and is shielding his head from any impact: What was that?

Cherik: *is lying flat on the grass behind the bench, where he's been knocked back by the shock of the curious event*
*groans quietly and manages to make his fingers twitch*

Upon the lawn stand two figures, one long and lithe, the other much more petite and feminine.

Lerik: *jumps behind the bench beside Cherik to hide from the strangers.*

The girl: *looks around, frowning at her surroundings*

The man, whom Lerik is most afraid of: Don't 'errmm' when I've just come through that infernal contraption!
*he puts a hand to his head and closes his eyes*
I feel so nauseous, it can't be good for my health...

Lerik: *whispering to Cherik*
Right, on the count of three, draw your sword and charge!

Cherik: *groans again and closes his eyes tight, putting his hand to his forehead.*

Christine, as she hurries into the garden, her hair still dripping wet from the shower she'd been meaning to take all day: WHAT IS GOING ON OUT—

Lerik: Three! CHAAAARGE!!
*dashes out from behind the bench with his lasso to hand*

Christine: Lerik!

The girl: Erik!

'Erik': Faith!

Cherik, still flat on the ground: *raises his hand slightly*

The Phantoms of the Opera And The Things They Do To Annoy Nadir.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora