Very Important Scientific Research.

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Ok, so it isn't really that important.

Erik: You scammer, you!

Shut it. Keep to the comments section, if you can find it within yourself to be quiet for that long. It's important in its own right.

Erik: No, you just think it's important because it's late at night and your brain is on an overwork, which is why I'm talking in the first pla-

*slaps a hand over his mouth*

Erik: *pushes her away*
Get on with it, if it's so utterly vital!

Alright then, I will!
He's right, it's late and I'm overthinking a load of things. So much so that I've convinced myself it's scientific research. It's really just Wattpad sociology and-

Erik: I swear to Leroux, if you keep spewing waffle, I'll tape your mouth shut and tie you up in the torture chamber.

And I will write a three thousand word long chapter dedicated to Christine, Nadir, Madame Giry and Meg throwing ballons of paint at you if you dare try such a thing.

What I am attempting to ask is this: how did you come across this book? Ah, the wonderings of a young mind in the late evening!

I have a life, I swear, I'm just curious to know.

Erik: psssh! You have about as much of a life as I have of a relationship.

Not putting pressure on anyone to answer-

Erik: Too bad. Scorpion and Grasshoppers usually work wonders.

Ok, this guy is driving me insane. Can someone help, or is this just part of the package?

Did I sign up for this?

Help me.....

Erik: there is no hope now.

There is no use resisting.

You are enslaved here.

You can never leave this phandom.

You've gone past the point of no return.

No going back.

I'm going to take the boat. Ciao!

*runs after her, wading into the water with loud sloshes at top speed*

*pokes his leg with the punt quite sharply so he trips in the water, and rows off into the sunset*

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