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This isn't really a chapter, it's more of a help meh out!

Erik: How could you be so cruel? Everyone probably thought you were going to make them laugh, but instead you so rudely crush all their hopes and-


Erik: Yes, dear?

Shut up. Or I'll fetch Christine.

Erik: Yes, dear.

My point is this: I'm going to need you, my wonderful readers, to read something for me and tell me what you think. If you read my (weekly?) updates on my home page, you'll know I'm writing a majn project (this book is kinda like some sort of side hoe? No offense boys.)

Cherik: *tugs her pj sleeve*
Pippa, what's a side h-

Shhhhh! Don't you worry your pretty little head about it! Go back to bed.

Cherik: But I-

Merik: *catches his shoulders and steers him back to bed*

Erik: *looks at them in confusion*
What did I just wit-

Ignore them! What was I saying?

Erik: You're going to quit Wattpad and get a real hobby.

Oh yes! I remember! I'm going to burn Don Juan Triumphant into cinders and watch it burn!

Erik: You wound me.

*under breath* This man...
My question to you, my phriends, is: what do you make of this following piece as an opening scene? It's set during the premiere of Don Juan Triumphant, and will lead into the main body of the story straight afterwards.

With no further ado, I give you: Erik being a dumba$$ and oblivious b***h!:

Erik: Now you're just being abusive.


On the night of Don Juan, Erik sang his heart out. His voice alone sent rushes of ecstasy to the bodies of the women sitting around me, and not even their husbands could protest. But the man at my side sat with tense shoulders, constantly glancing around or biting his nails.

"What are you doing?" I hissed as Jeremy stood from his seat and edged out to the aisle with muttered apologies to the rest of the theatregoers. He didn't look back but walked calmly down the aisle to the side of an armed officer.

Erik sang on, his proud, strong voice booming around the auditorium, so sensuous it would make even Don Juan quiver. Christine tried not to grimace as she fought the trance he was putting her in, but the creeping of his fingers over her shoulder snatched her breath away and her eyes closed at his words.

I glanced back at Jeremy, who was now engaged in a furious battle of hisses with the officer, words I couldn't hear from my seat.

"Aminta!" Erik sang, turning Christine to him. "The Angels weep in ecstasy! Hark, we shall away to-"

With one deft flick of her hand, Christine ripped his mask off. I couldn't help but gasp loudly. The crowd was silent for a split second. And then it happened. The place erupted into deafening screams of disgust, and everyone around me turned their faces away or shielded their eyes from the repulsive sight.

I stood from my seat uselessly, unable to get to the aisle with everyone panicking. The woman beside me was violently sick all over her crimson dress. Another in the row ahead screamed until she went hoarse and fainted in her husband's arms.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jeremy struggling with the guard, wrestling something from him. Erik spotted me at last, his eyes wide and full of fear, and followed my gaze.

Jeremy took careful aim, a steely look in his eyes. Erik ducked as the shot went over his head and splintered the set behind him. His amber eyes ignited with fury suddenly. He grabbed Christine in one hand, his sword in the other and fled with a cry of anger as more gunshots followed him off-stage.

I struggled against the crowd, fighting to get to the aisle. With my heart in my throat, the screams of hundreds of people in my ears and Jeremy out of sight, I couldn't help but panic. Another chorous of raised voices arose and fingers pointed to the ceiling. I followed their direction. That was the moment my world stopped.

The chandelier was coming down.

Thoughts? The next line is going to be Four Months Earlier and that will lead into the actual storyline.

Anyone finding the Lerik references? There's loads throughout the book, including the concierge's death, Isidore Saack, Christine saying: "He would commit murder for me". There's the rooftop scene, and there's just loads of Lerik XD

There's also Cherik in some parts (I feel like I'm forcasting the weather here!) and you'll notice the 2004 story (ie the chandelier falling during Don Juan) in places.

Sunny at the beginning, but turning cloudy in Act Two and Three, with patches of tears near the end.

That's Porcelain Mask in as told through weather, me thinks.

Thanks for your opinions!

A random phangirl begging shamelessly for help.

Erik: You, my dear, are beyond help.

Super duper quick update to the chapter: you can find a lot more of my Phantom related writing on my Instagram, @writerpippapenn 😊 And if anyone wants to make aesthetics with or for me for the book, or draw the characters or anything else, I won't mind one bit!

The Phantoms of the Opera And The Things They Do To Annoy Nadir.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum