Date Night

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Christine: *walks through the front door at twelve am**sneaks into the dining room**turns the light on**shrieks*

*all the Phantoms are sitting around the table, watching her*

Lerik: *gives her that 'I'm not angry, I'm just really disappointed in you' look*

Gerik: *fuming*

Merik: *glares like a child*

Cherik: *avoids eye contact and cuddles her Marguerite wig to his mask, rocking back and forth (y'all know the scene I'm talking about. Dishing out pheels quite early this chapter XD)*

Kerik: *stands ominously in the shadows, his amber eyes glinting*

Christine: Whaaaaaaaaat did I miss here?

Lerik: *sniffs*
Where were you all evening, young lady?

Christine: Out....

Cherik: I had more than surmised.

Gerik: With who?

Lerik: *glares at him*

Gerik: *sticks his tongue out*
With whom?

Christine: Raoul. Why?

Merik: Little Lotte, where is your red scarf?

Christine: ..........
Around my neck? Where scarves usually go?

Lerik: AHA! In March? Since when do you need a scarf in March?

Gerik: *nods*
He has a point. Take it off, Angel.

Christine: *goes scarlet*
Er, not sure if that's a good-

Merik: *grabs Cherik by the chin and pulls his head up to face Christine*
He's been missing you and pining ALL EVENING! Look at him! As lovesick as a Phantom!

Cherik: *visibly blushes, his chin going deep red as his chesks are covered*
Come to think of it, it is only March, I feel a chill descending, it feels like it might rain-
*stands up and tries to take his leave to bed*

Gerik: *catches him and pulls him back into his seat*
With the Vicomte, eh? Where?

Christine: *shrugs*
Concert in the town hall. Just a fun little evening.

Kerik: It's midnight, Christine.

Lerik: And we've been worried about you.

Gerik: *leans over the table towards her*
You could have been hurt tonight.

Merik: Not all princes are dressed in shining armour, you know. Cherik didn't get his usual bed time because he was so scared for you!

Cherik: *stares at the tablecloth, tracing the stave patterns delicately*

Lerik: Take off your scarf, my girl.

Christine: *glances about nervously*
Look, Erik, I-

Merik: Take it off.

Christine: Angel, just listen to-

Gerik: *catches Kerik's eye knowingly*

Cherik: Christine. Why won't you take the scarf off?

Christine: Maestro! How come you're on their side all of a sudden?

Kerik, from behind her all of a sudden: *runs his hands over her body and slips the scarf off, kissing her neck*
*pulls away, frowning*

Les Fantômes: WELL?!

Kerik: *chuckles*
It looks like someone beat me to it.
*tilts Christine's head to the side into the crook of his arm, showing off the hundreds of markings*

Merik: *grumbles*
That's my stage direction...

Deal with it, Angel.

*The house by the lake erupts into a storm of noise, with each of the Phantoms shouting abuse at Raoul and fetching their weapons of choice. Merik and Gerik, of course, have their ropes, Lerik bounces up from the table to fetch his lasso, and Cherik runs off to find his sword and scariest mask.*

Kerik: *in Christine's ear*
They'll be over it by morning. Come, you should get some rest.

Christine: Are you completely insane? They'll murder him, I know!

Kerik: I'll keep an eye on them tonight. They won't get past the lake if I handle it right.

Christine: *grumbling as he leads her up the stairs to her room, past Cherik's*
*peers in at him as he fixes a particularly gruesome mask into place and put his sword into his scabbard.*
If I'm not mistaken, you caused this. So you can stop Cherik from doing anything stupid first, got it?

Kerik: *chuckles and opens the door for her*
You have my word.

Christine: What happened to: 'Erik doesn't keep his word'?

Kerik: That was Lerik.

Christine: BUT STILL!

Kerik: *smirks deviously and shakes his head as he closes her door and steps out*
You shall simply have to trust me, my dear.


Raoul and Christine
Sitting in a tree
K I S S I N G!
(Quite passionately actually...)

What do you think? Should she trust Kerik to break up the rages the other Eriks have thrown themselves into? How do you think he'd go about doing that? I'm not too sure he'd talk them out of it gently and reasonably.

"They won't get past the lake if I handle it right."

Yeah, this won't end well!

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