The Miserable Phantom.

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Cherik is usually noted as being the sweetest, most innocent of the Phantoms. But what does he think about that?


Christine: *knocks on Cherik's door*
Knock knock. Can I come in?

Cherik: *sitting on his bed, hugging his knees*
*shakes his head and looks away*

Christine: *sighs and slips in, closing the door behind her*
Cherik, what's wrong?

Cherik: I wanted to watch Mes Lizzardarbdays....

Christine: Les Miserablés. I'm not sure you did. There's a lot of guns and blood. A lot of people die in it.

Cherik: *looks at his hands*
*bursts into tears*
But I've killed people!

Christine: *pulls him into a hug*
*rocks him back and forth*
Oh, you are Music...
Beautiful Music.
And you are Light
To me...

Cherik: *snuggles into her gown and murmurs along with her*

Christine: Say you'll share with me-

Merik and Gerik: *burst into the room, tumbling over each other in a series of limbs, fighting each other to kneel in front of Christine*



Cherik: *looks away*
*picks up his teddy and holds him close*
Ooooh, Christine, I'm in love with you...

Merik: Shut it, Care Bear. No one knows your musical.

Christine: MERIK!

Merik: It's TRUE! Let the person who can defend him comment the next lyric to that song he just sang!

Cherik: *bursts into another set of tears*
*runs out of his room, clutching his teddy bear*

Gerik: *slaps Merik upside the head*


In the attic a few minutes later.

Cherik: *rocking back and forth in a dark corner*
Paris is a tomb,
Paris is a room....
No doors... no windows...
Oh, Chrissy.
*hugs his teddy bear*

*the trapdoor opens*

Kerik: *jumps up through the hole with every definition of grace, carrying a book*
*closes the trapdoor and spots Cherik*
Oh. Carebear Carriére. I didn't expect to see you here.
*settles at his table and flips to his page*

Cherik: *watching*
Hello. What are you reading?

Kerik: *glances up*
IT by Stephen King. Rather good, for modern horror of course. Although it could never hold a candle to a good slice of Frankenstein.

Cherik: *shuffles forwards*
Can I read it when you're done?

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