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The cinema is a wonderful place, a great day out for the family. But what happens when that family comprises five Phantoms of the Opera....?

Christine: Merik, I'm being serious, you're not having the 2 litre Coke.

Merik: *clings ruthlessly to the bottle, snarling like a cat*

Nadir: Merik, put it down. We're not buying it. Especially not for you. Now, for the last time- OH MY DAYS! Cherik! Get your head out of that confectionery cabinet this INSTANT!

Cherik: *pulls his head back from the glass, cheeks stuffed with different sweets, and stares at Nadir, frozen. If he stays still, he will surely escape the situation without being hunted by the ruthless- Oh! Oh wait. No, that didn't work. Run, child, run!*


Gerik: *looking at the posters for the different films on the walls*

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Merik: *rounds the corner*
Oh, THERE you are!

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Gerik, to himself: Oh my God....

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Merik: *stands beside him, regarding the pictures*
*actually, he's standing a bit close*

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Gerik: *shuffles away by a step*

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Merik: *points to one film in particular*
I want to see that one. The Greatest Showman. Lots of singing and colours. What about you?

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Gerik: You're insane.
*nods at the poster in front of him*
Den of Thieves. You cannot possibly go wrong with guns, blood and American police chases.

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Merik: Pooh! You just have no taste for ART!

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Lerik: *poking his head around the corner from reception, where Christine and Nadir are still sorting out family ticket prices*
Did someone say art? Because neither of you know it when you see it.

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Gerik: *scowls*
What would you see then, Mr Fussy?

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Lerik: *stops walking*
*pulls a sarcastic face beneath his mask*
*gestures to another poster on the wall*
André Rieu Live! Is there any other? For who could match his talent with a violin?

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Kerik: *out of literally nowhere, like, jeepers creepers man, walk a little quieter, will you?!?!*
*raises his hand*

The Phantoms of the Opera And The Things They Do To Annoy Nadir.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora