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"Oh my god, Addison he's just sooo hot!!", Lyra is laying on her bed smiling at a page in Teen Style magazine.

"I know right! Sadie is so lucky to be with him..", Addy replies. "We pass by him everyday at school but yet we've never said a word to him.."



"Again?!!", Aryse being annoyed from the new rumors that media is spreading sits in his dad's car on the way to school reading Teen Style magazine says angrily. "What's with media these days. Half of what they say isn't true.."

"Don't fret son, your real friends and fans know the truth. ", Jordan Baylor gives his son a reassuring smile. Aryse smiles back.

"Thanks dad." Aryse gets out of the car. "Love ya!"

"Don't be late! Four o'clock, Aryse!" his dad shouts as he closes the car door.


Aryse is greeted by students as he walks down the hallway. Smiling back at all the girls, giving high-fives until he reaches the end of the hallway where he's greeted with a hug and kiss on the cheek by his girlfriend, Sadie. Blonde hair, blue-eyed Sadie Kanter looks like those girls straight out of a modeling magazine for bathing suits with the girls with the perfect tans, straight, skinny bodies. No wonder Aryse is delighted to be her boyfriend.

"Hey baby.", she says with a bright smile.

"Hey, babe. I missed you." he replies and kisses her on the cheek. She blushes and holds out her hand for him to take in his. They walk down the hall to their first period.

In class Lyra sits to the left of Aryse. He takes his seat and smiles in Lyra's direction. She smiles back. She could feel the heat in her cheeks and suddenly felt embarrassed for blushing.

"You have a beautiful smile. You should do it more often." He smiles again flashing his perfectly white, straight teeth.

"Thank you", she smiles back.

Class dragged on and Lyra looks across the room to Addison who keeps smiling and looking back and forth from her to Aryse. Zoning out Lyra imagines what it would be like to have an actual conversation with him. Aryse Baylor. She sighs out loud hoping no one heard her. Her thoughts are interrupted by the bell, Finally class is over. The rest of the day goes by fairly quick.

While walking down the hall she hears the high-pitched voice of Sadie. She's blabbing on about her new photo shoot. She sees Lyra and Addison walking towards their lockers and takes the chance to embarrass them. As the girls get closer, Sadie 'accidently' knocks the books out of Lyra's hands. "Oops. My bad I didn't see you there", she laughs and all her friends laugh also.

"Sadie, why do you have to be so rude to them?!", Aryse walks up.

"Oh Air, don't worry about it. Losers like them don't deserve to be here anyway so why not be rude?", Sadie replies.

Aryse walks closer to Sadie. "You are being such a bitch, Sadie. What's your problem?!"

"Oh so now you're siding with them? You didn't care the other times!", she throws back at him, her voice raising.

"Yeah, but it's getting old! They've done nothing to you! Just lay off already!", Aryse says sounding annoyed.

Sadie gives Aryse a nasty look, then walks off followed by her friend group. Aryse walks over to Lyra and starts to pick up her books and hand them to her. He picks up her notebook and smiles when he sees his name written on it with a heart underneath. He hands her books and notebook to her. "Sorry about that. You okay?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine."

"Good. So um it's Lyra, right?", he smiles.


"Nice name I like it. It's unique."


"No problem. I have to go. Don't let Sadie bother you. Take care!" He smiles and walks past them out into the parking lot.

"Omg! Aryse Baylor just talked to you!!", exclaims Addy.

"I know.. Did that really just happen?"

"Yes!! Girl you're lucky."

"Yeah I guess." They walk out the door. Feeling a little hyper, Lyra skips a little. She just talked to the Aryse Baylor..

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