It was just a kiss

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*Trigger Warning* This chapter contains a cut scene.
  "It's still a kiss.", Addy says in the hall at school. Lyra and Addy are standing by their lockers waiting for class to start.
   "It doesn't count.. It wasn't on the lips.", Lyra argues. "And I don't even know why he did it."
   "Don't know why who did what?", a familiar voice said from behind Lyra. Addy's eyes got wide with surprise. Lyra turns around to see Aryse smiling that amazing smile of his.
   "Um..I uh." Lyra can't repeat what she had said earlier.
   "Um okay then.. I was just asking if you're still free tonight? So we can finish this project?"
   "Uh yeah sure."
   "Great! See ya then." He winks at her and walks off to class.
   "I still can't believe he's your project partner." Addy says.
   "Hey isn't your partner his best friend?" Lyra asks curious.
   "Yes, why?"
   "I don't know just asking.."
   "Lyra I know when you're planning something.. Spit it out now."
   "I was wondering if you could randomly bring up Aryse in a conversation and find out some info about him for me." Lyra smiles.
   "Girl you're crazy, but I'll try."
   "Yay. You're the best."
   "Yeah, yeah." Addy rolls her eyes.
   "So.. about yesterday what was that?", Lyra asks sitting on her bed. Aryse is sitting across from her.
   "What do you mean?", he asks confused.
   "You know.." Lyra puts her head down to hide her blush.
   "Ohh. You mean the cheek kiss? Hm.. I don't know. I'm great at acting." He smiles.
   "Right.." she replies a bit disappointed.
   The next moments happen so fast, Lyra doesn't even have time to stop him.
   Aryse smiles, moves closer to her. He rubs his thumb on her cheek and leans in and puts his lips against hers. Surprised, she doesn't pull away, she leans into him and kisses back. After a few moments Aryse pulls back.
   "I...I don't know what I just did... I'm so sorry.. I.."
   Lyra puts her finger up to his mouth. "Shh. We won't tell."
   "Okay.. I..I should go.." He gets up and stops at her bedroom door. "I enjoyed it." He smiles and then leaves the room.
   The next day at school Lyra walks down the hall to her locker where Addy waits for her.
   "Hey." She smiles.
   "Hey." Lyra replies.
   "What happened with you and Aryse last night?"
   "We worked on the project why?.."
   "People are saying that you and him kissed." 
   "Oh..", Lyra says a bit surprised. How did everyone find out? Did Aryse tell someone?
   Sadie walks up to them, she looks very mad. "Why the hell did you kiss him?! He's not yours!"
  "I...I didn't -"
   "Oh save your bullshit and lies. Just stay away from him!" She gives Lyra a mean look and walks away.
   Later that day, Lyra and Addy are walking to their lockers when they over hear a conversation between Aryse and Hayden.
   "It was just a kiss!"
   "Aryse.. A kiss is a kiss.", Hayden argued back.
   "Oh come on! It was just a stupid kiss that didn't even mean anything!"
   Lyra drops her books out of her hand, taken aback by his words. Aryse and Hayden both look up at her. Aryse's eyes widen.
   "Lyra.. I-"
   "Save your bullshit and lies", Addy interrupts. Lyra runs out. Addy gathers her best friends stuff and follows her outside.
   " 'Aryse Baylor kissed a student while doing a group project. The incident took place at the girls home in her bedroom. Its not known what else they-", Addy reads out loud from the newest magazine issue.
   "Omg stop..", Lyra interrupts. "This is crazy.. How did they know this? He must have told someone... It was just a kiss.. Or should I say 'a stupid kiss that didn't mean anything'. "
   "He shouldn't have said that.."
   "Yeah.. It kinda hurt hearing those words.." Lyra sighs. "Hopefully everyone will forget it in a couple of days."
   "Aryse Baylor!! What the hell have you done?! Do you have any idea why you did this?!"
   "Dad... I.. I can explain.."
   "You better get to explaining then! This is not tolerable!"
   "It.. it was just a kiss..", Aryse unable to speak starts to tear up.
   "I don't care what it was! Grow up Aryse! Your career does not have time for you to be messing around with a girl you barely even know! Stop fucking around with your classmates and be the mature person I know!"
   Aryse nods, a tear slips down his cheek.
   "Now, get out of my sight! I've had enough of you!", his dad yells.
   Aryse walks upstairs to his room. He slams his door and lays on his bed. He wipes his tear stained face on his blanket. He stares at the blanket for a moment. His mother gave him the blanket when he was 12. She gave it to him just before she left for a movie audition. She never came back.. She fell in love with her movie partner and left Aryse and his dad. He keeps the blanket to remember her. She was kind, caring, and very outgoing. He forgets for a few seconds what happened, but then it hits him again.
   He gets off the bed, walks out into the hall and into the bathroom. He shuts the door behind him and gets a razor from the cabinet. He sneaks back into his room quickly. In his room he makes sure to close the door. He takes apart the razor, picks up a blade and stares at it. A tear slips down his cheek as he pushes it to his skin and slides it across his wrist. Aware of what he just did, he immediately runs to the bathroom to wash it off. Someone opens the door and sees Aryse washing off blood.
   "Aryse?.."Kay, the housemaid, says. "What are you..? Did you hurt yourself?" She grabs his wrist and gasps. "Aryse...what have you done?.."
   Aryse looks up at her with tears in his eyes. "Please...please don't tell my father.."

Thoughts #1  Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant