Secrets Ruin Friendships

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Aryse and Hayden walk into the school the next day, having a normal conversation. Sadie runs over to Aryse and grabs his arm. "Aryse! Why didn't you tell me you and a Lyra were a thing?!"
Looking confused Aryse replies. "W-what? I don't know what you're talking about.."
"Oh come on! Don't act stupid. Just admit you two are dating already!!" Sadie walks away smiling.
"Dude what the hell was that about?" Hayden looks at Aryse confused.
"I-I don't know.." he replies.
Hayden grabs his arm and starts pulling him towards class. "Well whatever. Come on we're gonna be late."
" and Aryse huh? Why wasn't I told about this?" Addy stares at her friend as the walk down the hall to their lockers.
"I don't know what everyone is talking about. Me and Aryse Baylor? Pft. Yeah right" Lyra rolls her eyes. "Plus he's way too cool for me. He'd never even think twice about dating me!"
Addy rolled her eyes and laughed. "If you say so girl."
The bell rings for class to be over. Hayden grabs Aryse by the arm and pulls him out of class. "What the hell dude?!"
Hayden stares at his best friend wide eyed. "Tell me why you're keeping secrets from me?!"
Aryse looks at him confused. "Secrets? What secrets?.."
"You and Lyra." Hayden glares at him. "Y'all kissed! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't think it was a big deal. I- wait.. You're upset because I kissed her, aren't you?"
Hayden doesn't reply.
"You're jealous??'s not a big deal!"
"Secrets ruin friendships." Hayden walks away leaving Aryse upset and confused.
Hey text me when you get free time. Please it's IMPORTANT. -Aryse
Lyra looks down at her phone nervous. Knowing what he wants she ignores his message, turns out her light and lays down.

Thoughts #1  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin