I Guess This Is Goodbye..

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"We can't be moving!! Why do we have to move?.. I don't want to leave my friends behind.. dad.." Lyra begins to tear up. "This can't be happening.. please don't make me leave." Her tears fall and her dad walks over and hugs her.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I don't have a choice. If you could, I'd let you stay here."
Lyra backs away from her dad, grabs her backpack from the couch and heads to the door.
"Where are you going?"
"On a walk. Bye dad." She leaves the house.
She doesn't even know where she's going but she just decides to walk. It's barely past 7 so the sun is just beginning to set. She continues walking and finds herself staring at the front gate of the Baylor Manor. She never had the chance to just look at it. Standing in front of the gate, she can see clearly how big the house is. You could call it a mansion if you wanted. It's that big.
"Hey what are you doing here?"
She turns to see Aryse standing behind her all sweaty and breathing heavy. "I was just..uh.. walking and I ended up here somehow.."
"Are you okay? Have you been crying?"
Lyra wipes her face, not realizing she'd been crying this whole time. "Yeah.."
"Here come inside." He leads her through the gate and into the house. "Need anything to drink?" Aryse asks.
Lyra, mesmerized by the enormity of the house nods. "Sure."
Aryse comes out of the kitchen with two glasses of water. "Let's go to my room." He leads her to his room. Which is probably bigger than all the rooms in her house combined.
"Your room is so big." She looks around at all the band posters and game sets he has. "Basically bigger than my house."
Aryse laughs. "I wouldn't say it's that big." He hands her a glass and drinks his. "Hey we should watch the sunset, don't ya think? It would take your mind off things and you can tell me what has you so upset." He holds out his hand towards her.
Lyra smiles and takes his hand. "Yes."
He leads her to the window and opens it and steps out onto the roof. She follows and together they sit down and watch the sunset.
"I'm moving to Kingston in a few days.."
"So I guess this is goodbye?.." Aryse tears up.
Lyra kisses his cheek softly and whispers "I guess so.."
Aryse wraps his arms around her and she leans her head against his chest. He leans his head on hers and they watch the sunset. Both finding comfort in their last moment together..

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