Words Can Change A Person

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"What did you say to Lyra in the hallway this afternoon?" Hayden is sitting on Aryse's floor copying down notes from Aryse's notebook.
"Just basically told her to stay away from you and to not get in between mine and yours relationship." Aryse looks out the window watching the sun set.
"But, Aryse she's not or she wasn't.. You weren't there for me that day hell Aryse you wouldn't even talk to me.. Lyra caught me coming out of the bathroom after uh.. my bad habit problem.. she asked me what was wrong and I couldn't tell her so I just said I was having a bad day which was true but I just couldn't tell her what was really wrong.. And I'm really sorry Aryse if I could take it back I would.." Hayden stops writing and looks down at the floor.
"Hayden, look at me." Hayden looks up at Aryse. Aryse grabs Hayden's hands and pulls him up. Hayden smiles loving that Aryse is slightly taller than him. "You can't change the past. It's okay I understand, but don't let Lyra get to you. She's just trying to get to me."
"But I -"
"Shh." Aryse puts his finger to Hayden's lips. "Don't. Sadie told me Lyra has a crush on me. I mean it's kinda obvious right?"
"Well you did kiss her twice in her bedroom" Hayden pulls away from Aryse.
"That's in the past and I don't even know what happened exactly.. But now I have you and I don't need her."
Hayden moves back to Aryse and kisses him on the cheek. "I'm late for dinner my stepmom is going to kill me." Hayden and Aryse both laugh as Hayden grabs his backpack.
"See you tomorrow, Hay." Aryse kisses Hayden softly on the lips.
"See you tomorrow, Air."
"Yeah last night her dad found her unconscious on the floor. Apparently she overdosed on some meds."
Sadie is standing in the hallway next to Addison's locker talking to her. "So do they know why she did it?."
"As of right now, no. She's still unconscious."
"Oh my.. I hope she's okay. I mean I know I'm mean to her but this is serious.."
"Hey ladies. What's today's gossip about?"
"Go away Hayden. It's none of your business." Sadie replies.
"It is my business. She's my friend too you know." Hayden moves closer to them. "Now continue your conversation."
"It is serious. And I'm going to find out who caused it and why she overdosed." Addy looks Hayden up and down and walks away.
Hayden looks at Sadie. "Lyra overdosed?"
"Apparently so."
"Wow.. that's uh.."
"Sad, confusing? Yeah I know. I bet Aryse has something to do with it."
"What do you mean? He has nothing to do with -"
"Ask him, Hayden. What did he say to her in the hallway yesterday." Sadie glares at Hayden.
"I do know.. and that shouldn't hurt a person; all he told her was to not get in between Aryse and me."
"Well whatever it is, I know it has to do with Aryse." Sadie walks away leaving  Hayden in the hallway confused.
"She's in a medically induced coma. It's best for her right now. I'm so sorry, Mr. Tate. We're doing our best to keep your daughter alive."
Jace Tate, sitting next to his daughters bedside, listens to the nurse ramble on about how they're trying their best and all that other shit. Wondering why she did this. Who caused this?
"Aryse, Lyra is in the hospital. Sadie just texted me and said she's in a coma..?"
"Seriously? You're kidding."
"Sadie the queen of gossip said Addison, Lyra's best friend, told her that Lyra is in a medically induced coma."
"Oh.. I shouldn't have said that.." Aryse begins to tear up. Hayden walks over to Aryse and puts his hands on Aryse's cheeks.
"Tell me what you said to her, Aryse."
"I-I told her she..she means nothing to me.." Aryse says between sobs. "I didn't mean for...for this to happen. Oh, Hay this is my fault.." Aryse puts his head on Hayden's shoulder and cries.
"Aryse.. you shouldn't have said that. You have to fix this."
"Go to her dad and tell him."
Aryse looks up at Hayden. "I can't do that.. he's gonna ruin my reputation.. Hayden I can't."
"The only thing that will ruin your reputation, Aryse is you not being honest. Go fix your mistake before it's too late." Hayden leaves Aryse alone is his bedroom.
Aryse sits on the floor and continues crying. Hating himself for what he's done.
"You do realize that if she doesn't make it out, you will be held responsible for your actions, Aryse Baylor."
"Yes sir.."
"And when she's out, you will not be seeing her. At all! Words can change a person. Doesn't matter if they're good or bad, it always has an effect on a person and that effect can change the way a person views things. Your words to my daughter, hurt her. You hurt her, Aryse. And I will make sure you never do it again." Jace hands Aryse a document. "I just need you to sign this confirming that you agree to stay 5 feet away from my daughter at all times."
"But sir..we-we have classes together.."
"And in those classes you will not make eye contact or even attempt to speak to her."
"Just sign the paper, Aryse Baylor. If not I can take this to court and that would ruin your reputation wouldn't it? And we both know you don't want that. So just sign the damn paper."
Aryse signs the paper and a tear slips down his cheek. This is going too far.. what have I done?..
"If those tears are real, I suggest you take time to come up with an apology and have it ready when Lyra is back." Jace gets up and leaves the office leaving Aryse alone. The principal walks in and sees Aryse crying.
"You alright?"
"Y-yeah.." Aryse gets up, leaves the office and heads to his car.
What I've done can't be undone.. what I've said can't be taken back..  What am I going to do?..

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