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Lyra woke up in a good mood Monday morning. She got out of bed walked to her closet and picked out an outfit to wear. She did her make up for the first time in a while, looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She finished getting ready then grabbed her backpack and headed downstairs. She felt too happy to eat breakfast so she just skipped and went outside to her car. Off to school.
At school Lyra met Addy at thier usual spot and talked about what they did over the weekend and other things. They heard some cheering and turned to see Aryse walking down the hall giving high fives and smiles to the students.
"Well look who decided to show up again." Addy said. Lyra just smiles to herself.
"Yeah.. hehe", Lyra added.
Addy gives her a weird look. "You okay?.. Or did you put too much blush on?"
Lyra turns her face away. "Sorry.. had a moment." She turns back around still blushing a little. Aryse walked by them to get to his locker and winked at Lyra. She smiled at him.
"Uh.. what?" Addy says confused.
"Oh nothing.." Lyra replies.
"Whatever." Addy starts to walk to class, Lyra follows her.
In class Aryse looka at Lyra occasionally and smiles at her. Lyra blushes every time. Addy gives Lyra a weird look unsure of what's going on between those two.
At the end of class Aryse is the last one to walk out of class. Sadie stops him im the hallway. "Hey. Are you okay?" She asks.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Aryse walks off leaving Sadie standing there confused.
"Rejection." Addy says.
"Shut the fuck up." Sadie replies and turns the opposite way that Aryse went.
Walking to the parking lot Addy stops at the door. "Wednesday is Valentines Day."
"So?" Lyra replies.
"Are you going to get Aryse anything?"
"Addy... He's not my...he's just a friend."
"Okay. Sure if you say so. But you totally should get him something." Addy teases.
"Shut up." Lyra pushes her playfully. Lyra heads home. Her phones dings she looks at it and picks it up. A message from Aryse.
Hey. Can I come over?
She replies with a yes.
"So.. If we fail this its your fault." Aryse laughs.
"What?! Thats not fair." Lyra laughs back.
"I'm kidding. Your laugh is cute though." He smiles.
"Thanks." She smiles back.
"If I tell you something, can you keep it a secret?" Aryse asks his facial expression serious.
"Yes." Lyra replies.
"Promise me you won't tell anyone until I say you can?"
"I promise."
Aryse smiles. "I'm in love with a girl and I am afraid to tell her."
Aryse looks her in the eyes. "Yeah. She's beautiful, smart. She has beautiful long brown hair." Aryse touches a piece of her hair. "Beautiful brown eyes and the most beautiful smile I've ever seen."
"Shh" he puts a finger to her lips. "I am in love with you Lyra Tate."
Speechless, Lyra blushes.
"I know you feel the same way."
Lyra just nods.
Aryse leans in and kisses her. She kisses back. "Lets keep this to ourselves." He whispers in her ear.
"Okay.." She whispers back.

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