The Mystery Girl

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"Omg!!! Lyra! Aryse has a girlfriend!" Addy says in the hallway looking at a magazine.
"Yeah I know. Sadie. Everyone knows that." Lyra replies.
"No its not Sadie. They're calling her the mystery girl." She makes quotes with her fingers at mystery girl.
"Hm okay. That's strange." Lyra replies.
"Yeah. I'd like to know who this girl is."
"Yeah me too.." Lyra says. She has a feeling she already knows who it is.
"Tomorrow is Valentines Day and I'm going to ask Hayden to be my valentine." Addy says happily.
"Good for you. I'll be spending the day alone and single."
"Um.. Ask Aryse. I'm sure he'd love to be your valentine." Addy winks.
"Oh shut up. I'll ask.."
"Yay! Let me know how it goes. I'm off to find Hayden. Text me later." Addy walks off happily.
"Okay.." Lyra says to herself.
"Who the hell is this mystery girl?" Sadie stands in the hall with one of her friends. "She can't be as pretty as I am."
"I heard that her and Aryse kissed." Kynzie her best friend said.
"Omg Kyns don't say his name."
Kynzie rolled her eyes. "I'm sure we'll find out soon. It can't be kept a secret for forever."
"A kiss scene?..." Aryse says eyes wide. "With who?!"
Hayden coughs sarcastically.
"You've got to be kidding.." Aryse says. "Who the hell wrote this script?!"
"Aryse calm down it can be staged." Hayden says trying to calm him down. "Plus the fans will love it."
Aryse sighs. "Okay.. Let's do this."
They go through each scene perfectly. As the kiss scene gets closer Aryse gets nervous. He starts to feel a little nauseous. He thinks of the night he kissed Lyra in her bedroom. Oh how amazing it was.
" okay?" Hayden whispers to him.
"Yeah..just a little nervous."
They both lean in for their 'staged' kiss but it wasn't quite what you'd call a staged kiss. Full on the lips Aryse and Hayden kiss for the final scene of the movie. Pulling away, Aryse stands there face red for a few moments before running out of the room.
"Aryse! Wait!!" Hayden yells after him.
Sitting in the hall Aryse sighs. He never in his life did he think that he'd have to kiss his best friend. The thought of it made him laugh a little. The bad part was that he kinda liked it. Feeling nauseous again he walked to the bathroom.
"I'm fine really. It was just for the movie. I get it." Aryse says to Hayden the next day on their way to class.
"Are you sure? You ran out of the room so fast." Hayden replies.
"Hey.. You want to skip class?" Aryse asks.
"Yes now."
"Uh..okay. Yeah sure."
Aryse and Hayden walk out of the building. They walk behind the building and sit down. Hayden stares at Aryse. "We have been best friends for 11 years now.." he says.
"Yeah." Aryse replies.
"Yeah.." Hayden repeats.
Aryse grabs Hayden's hand. Hayden stares and his hand in Aryse's. He smiles.
Aryse moves to face Hayden. He rubs his thumb on his cheek. Hayden smiles and blushes a little.
"Best friends.." Aryse whispers and leans in to kiss Hayden. Hayden kisses him back putting force into it.
"Just best friends." Hayden whispers into the kiss. "Nothing more."

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