The Truth About Prentending

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Aryse and Hayden walk hand in hand thru the hallway to their lockers. Many of the students gasp and whisper. Aryse winks at a few of them and they giggle and continue whispering.
"Do you think they're taking about us?", Hayden asks, his voice nervous.
"Probably so." Aryse turns to face Hayden. "You know if we're gonna do this, we need to make it seem believable." Aryse kisses Hayden on the cheek. "See ya later babe." He winks and walks away to class. Hayden is left standing there blushing and smiling like an idiot.
"Did you hear about Aryse and Hayden dating?" Addy sits down at her desk.
"Yeah.. I guess they seem cute together." Lyra replies.
"So you accept it?" Addy asks.
"Well yeah... I mean except for the fact that I didn't know Aryse Baylor was gay." Lyra replies.
Aryse walks in and winks at Lyra. Lyra doesn't even bother to return his gaze. She's so confused as to why Aryse didn't tell her. She kissed him and told him how she felt about him and then he just turns around and starts dating his best friend? She's hurt but can't show it, for she doesn't want to him to notice.
"Wow, Lyra. Just wow."
"You just turned down a wink from Aryse? You okay girl?" Addy has a look of concern on her face.
"Yeah, I'm fine. doesn't matter. He's happy so I'm happy."
Addy raises her eyebrows but says nothing back.
"How much longer must we keep this up? I'm starting to have real feelings for you.." Hayden sits on Aryse's bed.
Aryse turns to face him. "Real feelings? Hayden you know I'm..."
"Straight yeah I know but I've just been thinking about the...the you know the kiss? The one we had behind then building and in your room a few days ago?.."
Aryse turns back around to face the mirror. "Hay... I know you feel like I love you, and I do but as a friend. I can't let this ruin me. It's only an act and you know that. So don't let your shitty feeling get in the way."
A tear slips down Hayden's cheek. He puts his head down and sighs. "Shitty feelings huh? I'm just gonna go. See ya at school."
Hayden gets up to leave, but Aryse grabs his arm as he's almost out the door. Aryse kisses him lightly. Hayden gives him a sad look and leaves Aryse standing there regretting everything he just said.
"Focus Hayden!" Aryse snaps at Hayden who seems to be daydreaming. "You're not going to pass of you don't fucking pay attention. Come on man."
"Yeah..right. Okay. Sorry." Hayden seems a bit distant.
"Hey.. you okay?"
"Am I? Or should I just keep my shitty feelings to myself?!"
"Let's just ditch study hall and go somewhere alone and quite?"
Hayden's face lights up. "Yes."
Aryse and Hayden walk behind the building where the had their first kiss with each other. They sit down and Aryse sighs.
"Listen I'm sorry about what I said last night. I didn't mean it, I was just...i don't know what I was saying and I'm sorry. I just don't want to pretend anymore, because the truth about pretending is that you can't do certain things. We have to keep to ourselves and not throw ourselves out there. And as for the times we kissed I didn't feel it. It didn't mean anything to me. I'm sorry Hayden, but I don't want to pretend anymore."
"So what exactly do you mean? Are we gonna.."
"No, Hayden. I don't want that. I want you to be my best friend not my boyfriend. Anyway, Lyra has my heart and has for a while."
"Then go fucking tell her, Aryse!" Hayden leaves and Aryse just watches him go without saying a word and not bothering to stop him this time.

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