Love Letters and Secrets

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Lyra and Addy are walking to class when Addy notices Aryse standing alone by his locker. Hayden isn't there..that's unusual.
"Hey why's Aryse alone? Isn't Hayden usually with him?" Addy says.
"Oh.. yeah." Lyra says clearly not caring. "Maybe he's just late. Let's just get to class." Lyra walks away and Addy hurries after her.
Aryse stands alone by his locker upset. He's written a letter to his secret lover but he's too afraid to give it to her. He's not sure she likes him anymore after what he did. He feels bad for leaving Hayden and upsetting him. He's not sure how to feel at the moment. He walks to class with his head down avoiding all the students smiling and giggling..he ignore all the high-fives..

The day drags on and Aryse spends it stressing over giving the letter to Lyra. Unsure on how to give it to her, he decides to put it in her locker. He takes the letter out of his pocket, pulls a marker out of his backpack and marks over his name. He raises his hand for permission to leave the classroom, and once outside he walks to Lyras locker and puts it in between the locker wall and a book. He closes it softly and instead of walking back to class, he leaves the building and gets in his car.
The tears came out of nowhere. As he sits in his car, unsure of how much time has passed he just lets the tears come. All the pain, all the anger he's held in for so long just come rushing to him all at once. "It'd be nice to not have to care, to not have to pretend everything is okay..I'm okay. I'm not okay.."
He starts his car and heads home, tears still streaming down his face.

"He never came back to class, I hope he's okay." Lyra says while opening her locker. The letter falls out as she grabs her books. "Hm.. this is strange."
"Who's it from?!" Addy asked excited.
"Not sure.. but its a love letter and it's kinda deep.." Lyra raises her eyebrows.
"Awe haha. Someone has a secret lover." Addy teases.
"Oh hush." Lyra rolls her eyes at her best friend. They walk out to Lyras car and head home.

Aryse stands in the bathroom leaning over the sink, looking in the mirror. His face all red from crying, his nose stuffy. Staring at his reflection in the mirror he wonders if people would still love him even if they knew his insecurities, his struggles. He takes a deep breath and opens the mirror cabinet and grabs the first medication bottle he sees. One last look at himself in mirror, he takes another deep breath. "This is it.." he whispers to himself, and takes the pills. As many as he can and lays down on the floor hoping to not wake up..

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