Tears and Heartbreak

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"Why did he do it?" Hayden yells at Addy. They're in the school parking lot the day after Aryse tried to end himself.
"It wasn't my fault! So how the hell am I supposed to know?!" Addy yells back. Lyra stands a little bit away from them not wanting to be in the argument.
"All he talked about was you two! About how much he loves Lyra!"
Lyra looked towards Hayden.
"Yes you! Little bitch stressing my best friend out!" Hayden yelled at Lyra.
Lyra walks up to Hayden, looks him up and down. "Like you're any better than I am! I saw you two kiss behind the school building! If you care about him that much than go fuck him like you want to! We all know you have a crush on him, hell the whole damn school knows!" Lyra walks away smiling to herself. Addy runs to catch up to her.
Hayden stands there shaken up about what just happened..

"Well damn that was a bit too harsh, Lyra." Addy says sitting on Lyra's bedroom floor.
"Okay but to be honest he deserved it."
"How so?"
"Well for one, he lied and.."
"Wait.", Addy interrupts. "He lied? About what?"
"Aryse having a crush on me? Like how is that even possible?.. The most popular guy in town maybe even the world has a crush on me?? I don't think so." Lyra rolls her eyes.
"Girl, listen up. Have you seen the way that boy looks at you? He actually smiles at you!"
"Okay and? That doesn't mean anything. He smiles at everyone." Lyra sat on the floor next to Addison.
"He likes you, Lyra! Aryse Baylor has a crush on you!! Lyra Tate."
A tear slips down Lyra's face. "Maybe he does.. but I'm not good enough for him."
Addy pulls her best friend into a hug, trying to console her.

White. White just like in the movies when the actor first opens there eyes. Aryse sighs. He tries to get up, but is stopped by the restrains he's being held down with. A nurse walks in.
"Oh! Good to see you awake. How are you feeling?"
Confused Aryse looks around. "Where am I?.. Why am I tied down?"
"Well when your dad brought you in you were screaming about how you were going to kill yourself, so it was the best thing to do. You look good though. Are you feeling okay now?" She walks over to him and takes the restraints off.
Aryse sits up. "Y-yeah.. my head hurts so bad.."
"Yeah it might. So you wanna tell me how many you took?" She gives him a concerned look.
"I-I'm not sure.." He sighs. "Can I go home?"
"Waiting on the doctor sweetheart. Then you can." She checks a chart on the table next to his bed. "I don't want to see you back for this reason again. Also I'd suggest getting some help if you're having.."
"I'm fine." Aryse interrupts.
"Alright. Well just wait here the doctor will be in soon." She leaves the room and Aryse releases a breath he didn't realise he was holding.

Later at home, Aryse sits on his bed. He smiles as he remembered the letter he put in Lyra's locker. Then he frowns remembering that he marked his name out. Lyra probably found the letter not knowing who it was from.. did she keep it? Did she throw it away?.. Aryse sighs and lays down on his bed. He'd find out tomorrow at school.. He closes his eyes and falls asleep.

Hayden lays in bed, tears running down his face. "He loves her..her. Why her?.. Why's she so special?.. He should only love me. His best friend for 10 years.. not some stupid girl he barely knows!" He gets up from bed and walks to his bathroom. He finds a razor blade, walks over to the bathtub and fills it with warm water. Warm water is comforting, right?
Once the tub is filled he sits down, clothes still on, and takes a deep breath. He takes the blade and slits his wrists..still crying he lays his head back and closes his eyes. "Fuck love.." he says to himself.

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