ღA Broken Heart { Orochimaru One-Shot}ღ

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A Broken heart { Orochimaru One-Shot }by @FallenBleedingAngel


The storm thundered behind me. I tried to remember why I'd even joined Lord Orochimaru in the first place but no thought came to mind.

I sighed I was just another one of his "henchmen" to do the dirty work. However my mind never believed me because I was SO gullible as Kabuto-sama said. Having to work for him was so troublesome !  Yet the way Lord Orochimaru spoke to me; he spoke to me as if I were someone important .... I mentally groaned I couldn't get him out of my head for just a couple of minutes ?!  I used my teleportation jutsu " *Burakkusupēsuana-jutsu " and headed over to Lord Orochimaru's base.  As soon as I got there I saw a very angry looking Kabuto-sama. " **Meikakuna Ame ! Where have YOU been ! ". I sweat-dropped. " GO ! Go to Orochimaru-sama's chamber and tell him how the bounty went NOW ! ".  I gulped " Hai Kabuto-sama".

                                               *In Orochimaru-sama's chamber*

I gently opened the door careful not to make any noise just in case Lord Orochimaru was not awake."Lord Orochimaru ?" I carefully went close to his bed and put the paper down on his cabinet.  I then quietly crept toward Lord Orochimaru's door. Then I felt something latch onto my hand. I screamed bloody murder. I felt a hand slap me in the back of the head and pull me down on Lord Orochimaru's bed.  " Itai ! Itai ! ".  Then I saw his smug look. " Lord Orochimaru ! ".  I then realized my " tone of voice " something that Kabuto-sama greatly did not like about me. " Hello Meika " Lord Orochimaru said. I blushed " Hello L-lord Orochimaru ". Right now I felt very nervous I'd never been in the same room as Lord Orochimaru alone. "Is there something wrong Meika ? " he grinned."N-no Lord Orochimaru ". Within the blink of an eye I felt his ice cold lips on mine. " Kami ! ". I felt his hands on my back pulling me in closer to him.Suddenly a i knew a blush covered my face."L-lord Orochimaru ..." i said pushing away. Then I noticed the frown on his face. "Why did you pull away hmm Meika ? ".A split second passed then I thought Lord Orochimaru is taking this very lightly,then I saw the anger in his eyes ... " Well uh Lord Orochimaru I don't think that neiher of us would like to have to deal with this in the future ...  so I think it's best to stop before it gets to out of hand." I quickly finished realizing how much self-control it had taken for me to say that." Very well then ........ go away ! "."Hai Lord Orochimaru ". As I walked out of Lord Orochimaru's room I  felt as if I'd crushed my own heart.I saw Kabuto coming to Lord Orochimaru's room and teleportated to mine,rushing because of the tears flowing down my cheeks. 

                                      Why ? Why do I awlays mess it up everytime I get a chance to love I seem to freeze up and run away ! I'm tired of this sorrow and heartache that I cn't ever get rid of.

Maybe.just maybe I could go to okkachan,Otōsan
* is maybe there I won't be able to feel anything at all...and the split second before I thrust the kunai into my throat I saw my whole life flash in front of my eyes and I knew I wouldn't regret my choice.... not now and not ever.

* Black Space Hole Jutsu { it is Meika's teleportation Jutsu }

** It is Meika's Full name which means "Clear Rain"

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