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With your host: @SwirlyLove

        Greetings my lovely little ducklings! I'm Hibiki Chi, and it's a pleasure to have met you. This week, I have come here for one reason. What may that reason be? Well, my reason of being here is to help you know more about yourself. You know what, scratch that. I'm here to fill your head up with random things you never even knew about yourself, or somebody else.

        By now, some of you are probably saying, "What? I know everything there is to know about myself!" Or some of you could be saying, "Oh, cool." Well, whatever it is that you're thinking, it'll make no difference on what I promised. (What promise?) That promise is this: When you read these articles, you will find out something you never knew about yourself.

        The best part is this: All the questions and answers that you'll be recieving, is all based off of Naruto! (Well no duh, Hibiki Chi, it's called NarutoMagazine for a reason..) It won't be hard for you to answer the questions, but the results will surely shock you. Anyways, enjoy~

                                                                      (>'-')> ~On We Go~ <(^-^<)

        So, basically, there will be a main question that you will find the answer to in the end. How? By answering the small questions, and adding up the points. You can only choose one option! If you're not happy with your results, that does not give you the right to get all butt hurt about it. Have fun all cute little ducklings!

        Here is your main question: Who would most likely end up being your boyfriend?

        Question #1: When going to a restaurant, what would you order first?

        a. A bowl of steaming hot ramen! +1

        b. A gourmet dish that consist of no spicy foods, and maybe a glass of somethin' fancy. +2

        c. Nothing too sweet, some tomatoes sound nice.. +3

        d. Some of that juicy steak, like yakitori! +4

        e. Restaurants..? Picnics sound a lot better! +5

       Question #2: Where would you most likely go on vacation?

        a. Um, maybe go on another mission? I DON'T KNOW! +1

        b. A calm, peaceful area.. Probably in the mountains. +2

        c. Somewhere not too far, a nearby village sounds nice. +3

        d. Somewhere tropical! A place near a beach, definitely! +4

        e. Staying home sounds like a rad vacation idea. +5

        Question #3: What would you wear on a first date?

        a. Easy! I would wear a shirt and pants. +1

        b. An elegant dress. It should be a black silky theme, or a white smooth theme. +2

        c. A nice summer dress, or a cozy casual wear. Creme colors sound comforting. +3

        d. Probably a flowy tank top, or crop top with a pair of pastel color shorts!+4

        e. Ripped skinny jeans, and a simple band tee. My hair would probably be in a messy bun. +5

        Question #4: Kiss on the first date?

        a. *Blushie* W-what..?! +1

        b. No, never on the first date. +2

        c. Maybe a peck on the cheek.. +3

        d. Heck yeah, maybe go a little hardcore~ *Winky wink wink* +4

        e. Huh? Are you suppose to..? *Scratches head innocently* +5

        Question #5: How far would you go to protect them?

        a. I would go through any obstacle to protect them! Anything. +1

        b. Not a single person shall hurt them, if they do.. *Emits evil aura* +2

        c. Hopefully, they can protect themselves. They'd have to be a little patient with me. +3

        d. No one should even approach them! +4

        e. Simple, I'd do whatever I can to keep them safe. *Shrugs* +5

                                                                              (>'-')> ~Results~ <(^-^<)

        -If you got somewhere around 5-9 you're probably best fitted with Naruto Uzumaki!

        -If you got somewhere around 10-14 you're probably best fitted with Neji Hyuuga!

        -If you got somewhere around 15-19 you're probably best fitted with Sasuke Uchiha!

        -If you got somewhere around 20-22 you're probably best fitted with Kiba Inuzaka!

        -If you got somewhere around 23+ you're probably best fitted with Shino Aburame!

        What were your results? Leave a comment below, because I'd love to know! Are you suprised with your results? No?! How could that be..? 

        That only means one thing. You're lying.

        LIAR. (No I'm not..) Yes you are.

        Setting that aside, I have good news for all you non-liars out there! There will be another quiz coming next week! And guess what? I plan to make it an Akatsuki edition~! Ah, all those fangirls screaming never satisfy me more than anything else.

        Now that I'm done here, I shall depart. Goodbye my lovely little ducklings!

        Hugs and kisses,

                -Hibiki Chi (@SwirlyLove)

Naruto Magazine: Issue #1Where stories live. Discover now