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INTERVIEW FROM 7PANDA7, author of the Naruto fanfiction: “All of you are INSANE”.

(Interviewed by: @SleepyNinjaa)

Firstly, we are glad you accepted our offer  to be interviewed. First question: When and how did you discover Wattpad?

Panda: Well, I discovered wattpad around 10 months ago while looking for a good romance story to read online. I actually remember typing in 'Good reverse harem stories' in the search box since I had just finished watching a bunch of anime romances and there was nothing else for me to watch XD. And the first thing that popped up was a story on wattpad called "Welcome To The Club of Delinquents!"  I immediately fell in love with both the story and the site. And when I discovered there were anime fanfics on here as well, I made an account and  became completely addicted :P


Ah, then you had discovered anime and manga long time before Wattpad? When did you discover Naruto more specifically?

Panda: Naruto...that's tough...a long time ago, like it was always part of my childhood, but I mainly started watching it in the four years ago.

What gave you inspiration to write your now famous Naruto fanfiction, "All of you are INSANE"?

Panda: Several things inspired me to write that story. The one that inspired me the most though was definitely a story on this site called "Shh....it's a secret" by Otaku Geek. I loved the story so much that I wrote my own. ^^ I also got inspiration from shoujo manga, a couple romance animes, and of course Naruto.

This is cool! Can you tell us the ups and the downs of being a Naruto fic writer? Did you find any specific difficulty during your writing of the fanfiction?

Panda: Well, for this story it was actually really fun to write since it's an AU version of Naruto. For me, the downs of being a naruto writer were probably coming up with a story that was different from other peoples. There were thousands of naruto stories already on this site and it seemed like every idea had already been used >_>. So yeah, Naruto is an epic anime to write about just getting noticed is fricking hard. :P

This is something I think everyone considers before writing his/ hers own Naruto fanfiction. So, do you have any preferences in Naruto characters? Any hates or rants about a certain someone of the show?

Panda: Not really XD I basically love the Akatsuki and everyone else is pretty much irrelevant to me.

Amazing! Because the majority of people I know, either hate Sasuke or Sakura!

Panda: Lol, well I don't particularly like those two characters, but I don't  hate them either, because they're kind of important to the plot, and the story would be boring without them there, so I just tolerate them. ^^

Do you enjoy writing?

Panda: Of course I enjoy writing, but I really sucked at it when I first found this site. I've grown a whole lot better since then, and it helps to keep me busy when I have nothing else to do. :P

That's very practical when it comes to boredom then~~ Lastly, would you like to say something to your followers/readers/admirers?

Panda: Lol, Well to all my readers, I want to give you guys a huge thanks for being so awesome! ^^ You crazy, anime-loving people are the reason I'm so addicted to this site XD. Every read, comment and vote that you guys gave me literally meant the world to me. So yeah, Thanks !

Thank you for having the time to reply to my questions~! Have a good day!

Panda: No problem!^^

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