✿Undiscovered Gems✿

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Comfort || Naruto Uzumaki by @jaidenallen

Nothing is more appreciated than the tenderness of the heart. For some, the feeling comes naturally, while for others, effort must be pressed. There are also those incapable of feeling such warmth, and live their lives, sad and alone. Many stay that way for the rest of their lives.

But Naruto Uzumaki is a separate case. Although it was made known on a very consistent basis that the other villages despised him as a whole, he never completely drowned in his sorrow, and instead did whatever he could to gain their trust and respect. He trained long and hard just to prove to them that, one day, and one day soon, he would become the greatest Hokage.

Another separate case is Kuroko Uzumaki, Naruto’s ancestor. She has herald a strong belief of love ever since she was a young child, despite never receiving the affection she so wistfully desired from her parents and elder sister.

The two long for the same things. They crave for a simple company. And what is the best way to have company?

You go looking for it.


Dérive by @LeTiffany

(Dérive -- noun; a spontaneous journey on which the subtle aesthetic contours of the landscape and architecture subconsciously attract and move the traveller, encountering an entirely new and authentic experience.)

     [Name] [Last Name] is the type of girl who deviates from typical feminine behaviour to intimdate others. Rui [Last Name] is the type of five-year-old who adores his older deviant sister more than anything. These two siblings are not the "tragic" kind of orphans you would usually find wandering the streets. When [Name] kicks ass, she kicks flipping ass. She's the infamous bad girl (or bad boy, in this case) of her school, and nobody seems to know her real gender.

     So when this troublesome teenager and her younger brother get ripped from their ordinary world and thrown into another, one that starkly differs from theirs, her "perfect, ideal" life comes crashing down on her. She meets the hyperactive goofball, Naruto Uzumaki. She meets the emo duck-butt, Sasuke Uchiha. She meets various people, people she didn't even know actually existed. She retires from her occupation as a student and begins a new one as a ninja of Konohagakure. And the exit to this chaotic world?

     Oh...what exit?

» Naruto Fanfic « // » Undecided x Reader «


[The Ideal Life] by @LeTiffany

Mothered your jōnin superiors? Check.

Fought a battle that could change your clan history? Check.

Fallen in love with aforementioned jōnin superiors (and vice versa)? Che- wait, WHAT?!

» Sequel to [Mother of Who?!] « // » Kakashi x Reader x OC «


[Moments of Maternity] by @LeTiffany

Because everyone has their moments. Even [Name] [Last Name], sixteen-year-old jōnin-mother.

» Companion-fic to [Mother of Who?!] «

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