♡Melted~ Madara Uchiha X OC One-Shot♡

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Melted~ Madara Uchiha X OC One-Shot by @Chakra_nature

"Izuna? Could I go to the garden, for a tiny break?" She asked careful not to have him accidentally raging at her.

"Yeah, but come back thou. Before noon. Got a job for you to do." Izuna answered and continued fiddling with his pencil.

Silently she cheered herself. Finally she can go see the garden again! Yuki loved flowers of all sorts, but she just liked nature itself. When given the permission she would race out into the open air and sit under one of the few benches that stand there. Watching the sky, sun and the lovely ness of pure Mother Nature. Although Yuki was a very hyper active, loudmouth girl. Sitting in the garden was the only time she was quiet. Strange.

Yuki checked the sun, she has been out in the open so long, she had began to learn the time from the blazing sun, noon.

"Oh no! Izuna won't be happy that I'm late again." Yuki dashed back inside her light brown strands floating with the wind, behind her. Her worried hazel eyes darted around the hallways. Izuna! There he is.

"Phew!" Yuki panted in front of her sempai, "Just-in-time." She gave a Izuna thumbs up and as a reward for her weirdness she got a frown. Yuki for once saw what was really happening. She saw Izuna in his going-out-to-a-mission outfit, a fully, sharpened clean sword and a frown on his face, again?

"Er, why are you in that, THAT weird outfit?" She asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Yuki, I'm going out on a mission and I won't be back for a whole, full week. So I'll be putting you with my older brother-"

Yuki hold her hands up,"Wait, wait, wai-ai-ait. Could you please repeat that. I don't think my ears were turned on." She quickly checked her eyes and motioned for him to continue.

Izuna groaned, "Yuki I don't have any time left. Madara is in that room go meet him. Just keep in mind, he'll probably use you as a sortofish slave." He waved and left just like that. Yuki stared at him her mouth in a perfect o.

"Seriously, why do I have to be stuck with that snotty bastard again." She grumbled to herself not realising what was happening.

Madara Uchiha was standing in front of her unimpressed,"Woman, care to repeat that?"

She glared at him, but realised that was a huge mistake. Her world started spinning around, and around. Yuki landed on her butt in an overly sized room. It was pitch black. She patted her hands around, all she found were walls, lots of walls.

Yuki decided to take her chances,"Hey stop being a girly and come out and show yourself!"

This time he really snapped. A candle lit in the far side of the walls. It was just enough light to see her surroundings.

"Damn that faggot." She put on this high-pitchy voice, not noticing Madara raging in the shadows, "Oh look at Yuki! She's insulting me again! That's okay I'll just use a genjutsu!" Putting her hands out like a magician, she pretended to cast a spell. Yuki was rolling on the ground giggling when a strong hand lifted her up, off her feet, by her hair.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! OW!" She gulped when she saw her culprits death glare.

"Say one more word and your dead." He commanded punching her in the stomache, making blood flow out. Chucking her into the shadows he blew out the candle.

Yuki struggled to get up but found herself spewing blood up. She winced at the pain, 'At least, it's not as bad as last time.' She thought miserably . But hell was she wrong. She took another chance,"But I didn't say anything!"

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