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Title: Amongst The Sky

Author: fianna2452

Why I love it: The story centers around a Rain Village genin named Kaede Harada, who is found by Itachi Uchiha and ends up staying with his family.   One big reason that I love this story is that the main character isn't a Mary-sue! Yay! It's also unique, awesomely written, and not just focused on some cliche romance! It also centers around her own shinobi journey in Konoha, and her own problems. (Which isn't some big dark secret about some chakra beast before you assume so.) You should definitely give this story a shot! I guarantee you won't be disappointed!

Title: All of you are INSANE (Akatsuki and Naruto High School Fanfic)

Author: 7Panda7

Why I love it:  The story's about a girl named Rin Satsuki, who's the heir to her clan/gang. Because of orders from her grandfather, she ends up attending Konoha Elite. However, she must hide her true gender since it's an all boys school.    I know this sounds like a totally cliche story, but the author makes it work awesomely! 7Panda7 manages to take an often-used plotline, and add it twists that make it his/her own. The story is written very smoothly, the chapters are all written amazingly, and there's little chance you'll find something that annoys you about the story. Give it a shot! You'll more than likely be pleasantly surprised.

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