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Title: Imitating Itachi Uchiha


Itachi Uchiha, is of course, a fictional character from the Naruto Series. A child prodigy that grew up to become one of the most powerful S-Ranked missing ninjas, who, was later on in the series killed by his brother, Sasuke Uchiha. The reason I picked Itachi Uchiha is his birthday has passed nearly...a week ago? Anyways,

For those who have no clue was Cosplay is, the meaning of the name is Costume Play. It's when the general anime fan or just a person dresses up from there favorite character from a cartoon, (and those who are furious when people call anime cartoon!) anime. The favorite sources include manga, anime, tokusatsu, comic books, graphic novels, video games, hentai and fantasy movies. A lot of people go to anime conventions to either roleplay in this costume, and/or show it off. Most take selfies and just upload the images, also showing off there super kawaii desu-ness.

If you ever decide to go to a anime convention, some people will ask you to roleplay with them. Use your intelligence when roleplaying Itachi, ask yourself....how would he react to this certain situation? Itachi would of course react to any situation in a calm and effective manner. To do this, you develop your reasoning and analytical abilities. Of course; you can always nail it. He is a incredibly intelligent ninja, to emulate his behavior, you have to think from your logic side of the brain.

Anyhow, Itachi Uchiha is a difficult character to Cosplay as. If you want to go the basic way, you can just draw the lines in under his eyes, that shouldn't really be difficult.
   A small bit of red eyeliner and black mascara around the eyes helps if you don't cosplay with the Sharingan contacts. It helps with the 'deathglare' or 'deadpan', and adds a touch of red to your eye.

As for his cloak, you can always find one online- but if you want to spice it up, and wanna be quite the artist (you may have to find a black jacket similar to the Akatsukis without the cloud) you can always draw the clouds on, or fabric dye them. To fabric dye them, you cut them out of red fabric and sew along the edges, trace them in white, and then stitch it on. (NOTE: if you're having a hard time with the cloak, Cosplay.com’s forum member Saeru gave a good tutorial)

The clouds are located:
 1: in the center of the chest, cut in half between the opening.
 2: on the left side on the side of the knee.
3. The right side, at the same height.
4. On the back at around the middle.

You’re going to need to buy some fingernail paint, but don’t forget about your toes, because Itachi also paints his toes. The sides of Itachis hair lay symmetrically. The thicker your hair is, the harder it'll be to pull off. Or, you can always buy a Itachi wig online!

Good luck!!

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