ツFinally Fessing Upツ

245 22 5

Number One:

I hate it how, when I say I love Sasuke, people assume it's because he's hot. I love him because I know from the inside he's a good person. He loves his teammates and he will always be part of Team 7.


Number Two:

Well I feel like the characters are well developed and each have their own personalities and aren't the common, "bad ass girls" or "born with this awesome power guy". They each worked hard to get where they are and the gifted ones who were born with talent went through their own struggles besides enemies and fighting, they had their emotional and mental problems that the reader/watcher could somehow relate to.

Their characters aren't all perfect is what I like about them, that they aren't just facing struggles outwardly but internally as well. Hm I love the plot and how things built up, they weren't just rushed into and it wasn't like they introduce an antagonist and they get defeated in the first fight. They go back and forth and even the antagonist have their own personal backstory that's creative and not just some, "Oh his family was murdered and now he has mental issues".

Everyone has their own viewpoints in that manga/anime and that's the thing I love the most, that they're not just all agreeing with the protagonist and they realistically stand up for what they think is best. I really love how Kishimoto finds a way to twist the story around and give his readers/watchers a shock and an attachment to the characters. Though I have to say that the last few chapters have been disappointing. I didn't like how Naruto and Sasuke were some reincarnation of the sage of 6th path's kids because it makes it seem like Naruto was bound to be strong because he was a reincarnation of someone who was "like him" I guess I would say.

It was a smart twist but it didn't really go well with a plot where the protagonist had spent all his life trying to be more than what people thought him to be. Because then It feels like he didn't even have to be so determined and this was all just part of some kind of plan so it was bound to happen no matter what. It loses the whole purpose of, "you can become greater than what people think you to be if you work hard enough", because he was part of some prophecy. I also feel like now Kishimoto is just throwing things in at last minute. The whole plot, characters and theme to Naruto is amazing but I can't help but feel like the ending is just being filled with as much "plot twist" as possible just to keep it running in a little longer. ;D

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