✌Rapid Rants✌

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<pre class="commentbubble reverse" style="width: 419px;">Rapid Rants: Clichés

Clichés pop up everywhere over Naruto fanfictions. Taking the curse mark for Sasuke, being lonely and befriending Naruto, being on team seven, yada yada yada. I'm sure you all know them well.

But today's rant isn't so much about the clichés as it is about people's reactions to them.

People hate clichés (or so they claim). They complain when someone gets put on team seven (again), takes Sasuke's curse mark (again), or is a Mary Sue OC, jinchuriki to the twelve tailed wolf (AGAIN! What happened to the nonexistent eleven tails? Why always the nonexistent twelve tails?).

But you know what? The moment you step away from the clichés, people are complaining!

In my fanfic, The Child of God (don't get your panties in a twist over the title), I made my OC a boy. Some of the first comments I got were, "I wish Mimiko were a girl." "Isn't Mimiko a girl's name?"

The moment I didn't make my character a beautiful all powerful girl, and instead made it a boy, well, the crap really hit the fan.

So for the last time: Mimiko, which is a unisex name, is a BOY. Nothing you say is going to change that. He's not gay, he's not a girl pretending to be a guy, he is a BOY.

And yet some people still insist on calling Mimiko "she". Get the memo, people!

Another one of my stories, I took the giant leap of making my own team. I have all their back stories in mind, I make sure to develop their character, and yet a lot of comments simply say, "I wish she was on team seven".

Well she's not! Sorry it's not the cliché you're used to! You complain about clichés, but the moment someone writes an original line you complain that it's not normal!

There's just no winning with some people. ^^

Vote if you agree that you should support original work that avoids clichés, not complain about it!

Comment! And Vote!

See ya!


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