He saves you (Part 1)

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~I hope you enjoy c:

He saved you from Pennywise

You were running out of the woods as fast as you can while the loser club was running in front of you. They were ahead for one reason, you said you'll stay behind to help Ben, which you did. The only problem was Richie grabbed him and ran.

Now, you were falling behind and they couldn't hear or see you. And not only where you running from "it" but you fell down and fucked up your knee. All of your memories came flooding into your mind, both before Derry and when you got to Derry.

It made you more determine to escape this thing. Why? Well you weren't exactly sure why, but you wanted to. As you ran you heard its teasing voice.

"You can't run from me Y/N"

Yes I can you thought as you ran even faster than you have been to start with. You can feel his presence behind you, even though he wasn't there. Tears formed in the corner of your eyes. You realized this could be your last moments.

Just when you saw a house {hmmmm I wonder who it is xD} you tripped over a tree root and fell down. A blood curling scream left your lips. You landed on your ankle which was bent causing you to twist and possibly breaking it. You tried to stand, only to fall over. But that didn't stop you. Standing up on the undamaged ankle and hopping along the ground falling over ever now and then. Once you got out of the woods, you saw Bowers gang. Yay. Like they will help you...worth a shot.

You yelled out catching their attention but as soon as they looked at you. IT grabbed you and pulled you back. A yell left as you fell to the ground, holding onto the grass to try to stay. Screaming and kicking. Henry aimed his father gun at IT while Victor ran up to you. Henry pulled the triggered causing IT to let go hissing in pain while Victor picked you up.

As he ran back to Henry and the others tears were falling down. Fear was too much and you just started crying. Henry saw this and ran up to you.

"Hey, you alright?"

You couldn't say anything so you just shook your head "no" as more tears fall. He gently grabbed you from Victor and pulled you into his chest letting you cry. His friends were on high alert looking around.

"Thank you Henry"

Patrick: Your brother
(This is the only thing that was updated. I looked back at this an realized I forgot about it)

You and your brother were walking home, he was older and stronger than you. You often get hit by him. Even for little things, and whenever you told on him it was always the same thing. 'You shouldn't of done that to him.'

While y'all were walking, Henry and his friends were walking to you. They never messed with your brother, I mean who would? He is scary as hell when he gets angry. Then again, you were too. But c'mon, you're tiny, what can you do? Yell? Yeah, no. If you yell they can easily cover your mouth.

While you were in your own world, your brother slapped the back of your head.

"Um OW!"

"Be nice sis, they were talking to you"

You glared at him before giving your attention to the bullies of the town. They looked very uncomfortable. Weird.

"Did y'all need something?"

"We asked if you wanted to hang out with us." Henry said

Your brother looked happy. Now you're really scared.

"We would enjoy that" your brother said.

Oh great...just what you needed. If your brother wasn't gonna be a dick, you can count on the Bowers gang to be one. When they realized your brother said "we" they looked unhappy. That's when your brother realize, they meant you only.

"She'd love to, would you?"

You gulped. "O-of course"

Your brother raised his hand, but Patrick stopped him. Everyone looked shocked.

"Listen here, Y/B/N, we might be bullying your sister. But that doesn't mean you get to. So hit her, see what happens."

After he said that, he roughly threw his hand down. Patrick looked at you, it kinda creeped you out. But he saved you so you wouldn't say anything. He picked you up bridal style and ran off. His friends followed him.

"Listen here Y/N. If he ever hurts you again, let me know. Okay?"

You just nodded, still confused about on what just happened.

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