Fighting/Break up

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(This is a 2 maybe 3 part thing, and then you'll end up back together back together. I hope you enjoy)

It seems all you two do now is fight, nothing other than yelling and screaming at each other. It hurts you more than anything, it doesn't seem to bother him at all, mostly because he's the one who is causing it. Whenever you try to talk to him, he'd roll his eyes, but whenever you ignore him..he gets angry with you. It's just tearing you up on the inside, and honestly, it's hurting you on the outside. You stopped eating due to stress, and you're not getting much sleep due to tears and pain. He doesn't know this because you cover your face up with make-up, and you're drinking coffee so you don't feel sleepy. He probably doesn't care anyways, you say this because he doesn't even walk you to your classes anymore, he's always skipping. If he isn't skipping, then he's in the class, only to bully the Loser Club. 

Today, you had enough, and you didn't care if you caused a scene, you are tired of being treated like you mean nothing to him. When the last bell rang, you walked straight towards "Amy" and waited on the side that Henry normally gets in. After they got done bullying them, he made his way over to you. He saw you and smile, which was something you haven't seen in awhile. While he was smiling, you crossed your arms and glared at him. For once, it was Henry who looked confused.

"Hey (your name), are you okay?"

"Funny you ask Henry, no I'm not."

His friends looked at him confused, Henry didn't, he knew what this was about. His smile dropped into the cold hard line, the one that you have been receiving for awhile, he looked at Belch and told him to drive...that he'll meet up with them later. He gently grabbed your hand and walked you to the woods, he knew you were mad and he knew he's the reason why. 

"Henry, I'm not going to the woods and talk, we're the only ones here. Unless you're embarrassed to be seen with me?"

"Not at all, why would you think that?"

"You know exactly why!"

"Don't raise your voice, you'll hurt your throat."

"Now you care?"

"What do you mean, "now" ? I've always cared."

  "Y'know what. I'm done, all we do is fight and argue. That's all, you don't care so don't expect me to start caring either. We're done."

With that being said, you ran away, not wanting to see or hear him anymore. Of course you care, he means the world to you, but if you don't mean anything to him; you don't plan on fighting for a battle that you are already losing. He followed you for a little, but got tired when you ran off, he wasn't about to chase you if you didn't want him to see you.

Dating Patrick has its ups and downs, mostly downs though, but everytime there is days of down you'd get an up. But not in this case, for months it has its downs, but there is no ups. No matter what you do, he just isn't pleased with you. When he asked you out, you knew he'd be toxic..but you thought he'd change. You seen him get better, but lately he's just angry with you. You can't seem to make him happy. He notice that you've been looking blue.

"(your name), we need to talk."

"Are you okay, Patrick?"

"Not really, I need to talk to you,  and I want you to know that it's not your fault."

"Pat, what are you talking about?"

"Just, please, let me talk to you at your house after school?"

"Okay, will I meet you there or will we walk there together?"

"We'll walk together, don't worry about it."

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