Reasons You Stay with Him (Part One)

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(So, basically, you know how he is and I'm trying to make them how they are in the movie..I haven't read the book yet. So this will be why you stay with him and the next will be why he's with you)

~As we know, Patrick isn't the nicest of guys, so why do you stay with him?

~People think he's threatening you, but honestly, you just love to be around him. He might be crazy but he keeps you safe and he helps you when you are feeling sad

~But that's not the only reason you stay with him. You understand him and he understands you. Yes, you might not be insane like he is, and he might not be sane like you. But you can understand each others pain. You lost somebody important to you...of course not by you..but it still hurts because you blame yourself.

~One of the finally reason you stay with him is because, even though you don't have a lot in common, you too get along well and are able to laugh and pick on each other. And let's be honest, without you, he'd be a more of a mess compared to was he already is.


~Henry Bowers, some say he is worse than Patrick. Honestly, they're not wrong, he isn't the nicest and he is known for bullying anybody. So they were shocked when you too, a short shy girl (sorry if you're not short or not a girl, it's easier for me to write it this way but hopefully I'm writing where it's easy to swap the gender) and the tall bad boy got together. So, why do you stay with him?

~You wonder that yourself sometimes, why you're still with him after the awful things he done to kids and the amount of fights y'all get into, sometimes you don't even know..other times you can tell people why. A main reason that you stay with him is your history. You two been through a lot together, it'd be sad if you two just randomly broke up.

~It's not just your history, but y'all protect each other. Yes, somehow you protect the big bad bully. Not by fighting though, you might get angry but you're too short to get into a fight with somebody. And of course he would protect you, you're his baby, he's not going to let you get hurt. Even if he's a little too violent to others, he wouldn't hurt you.

~Besides, when it's just you and him, he's a softy. He'll be holding you close and you'll eventually fall asleep on him. He thinks it the cutest thing. But him being him, he'd often tease you about it.

(Hey guys, I'll be writing part two very soon. I just wanted to update this for those who like this and actually keeps reading these. If you have anything that you want me to write next please let me know.)

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