Reasons You Stay with Him (Part Two)

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(This is part two of the one before this, I'm trying to write this quickly because I feel bad for not updating because I know a lot of you love this and it makes me happy..I promise my fall break is coming soon so please just be a little patient) 


~As we know, Victor is the silent one that follows along with whatever Henry tells him to do, not even Henry but Patrick too. He's the sweet one out of all of them, everybody knows that..even though he is technically a bully. People weren't too shocked when y'all got together, c'mon, you guys has been best friends since childhood. 

~But, if it wasn't for that, you don't know if the two of you would've gotten together. You'd think he was some bully, but you know he's a softy. So the question pops up, why do you stay with him?

~Other than the fact he is your BEST friend, and it'd be awkward if y'all broke up, you stay with him because he's one of the best things that ever happened to you. He is basically your rock, he keeps you steady so you're thankful to have him in your life. The other main reason is without you, he'd fall down the wrong path and you don't want that.


~We know Belch to be the one that drives his  friends around...and he's the more nicer one. Unlike Victor, he tries to stop Henry when he knows it's going too far. But, yet, instead of making new friends, he stays with his gang. You don't really care, just as long as he is being decently nice.

~People often wonder what a shy, short, and adorable person stays with a guy like him. It's quite simple really, you just love him and you wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. If he left you, it would break your heart and the same goes to him. People don't see that, they think he threaten you or something like that. In reality the one that is most likely to do that is either Henry or Patrick, even then they won't do that because they have much better things to do than threatening a person to date them.

~Everybody knows that you two are going to stay together for a long time, heaven sakes, he yelled at his "leader" for when he jokingly talked bad about you, what more do you want then to have  a nice/mean boy like him.

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