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(Daddy's aka Grayson's p.o.v)

I looked over at her as she layed there all snuggled in. She was beautiful, and everything I want and need.

She had bags under her eyes and her skin was so pale from all the sleepless nights. It's been tough for her to keep trying for a baby, it's not even enjoyable it's like another job.

We're both so ready, but life has it's own plan. So until then it's just me and her and im okay with that.

I tucked her beautiful blonde hair behind her ear as I leaned over kissing her bye. I hated to leave her but someone has to make the money.

I could hear her soft mumbles coming from her lips making my weakness show. Something I didn't have until I met her.

I kissed her forehead one last time before I walked out and headed to work. Iv been taking a few days off here and there for doctors appointments and just trying to be there for addyson. She is tough don't get me wrong, but she has her weaknesses to.

I pulled up at the awfully familiar building as I got out throwing my keys to the car man for him to park it. I'm usually such a busy man and he always comes in handy.

"Goodmorning Mr. Dolan, nice to have you back, your 8:00 is already in your office" my assistant says.

I nodded as I headed towards the elevator making my way up as usual. The view from the elevator was so beautiful. I loved to just look out of the glass window and watch everyone doing there every-day lifes.

I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to A, like always. I still can't believed I'm married to her. She just takes my breath away.

The elevator dinged and I made my way to my desk as my eyes scanned the room and my heart hit the floor as my eyes met with his.

"Hello little brother"

"The Devils Lover" (g.d)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant