Answers to the Questions

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"Wow, it's... its so beautiful." The widened eyes, which were filled with wonder, admiration and a blissful feeling made Akshi, want the time to still for that moment.

Many times she had been here, but today the experience was astonishingly different. The sun was setting down, flaring its vivid colors across the sea which acted as the never ending mirror.

The only mirror that showed the unexpected!

Akshi's eyes still trained on the beautiful view, her hand clasped into his who had got her here, the reason unknown. But now that she was here the question didn't mattered any more.

"I's the best time of the day here. The sun would bid the world bye and the moon, finally is been acknowledged by the world." Abhi spoke his eyes still trained at the setting sun, as if challenging it to come up again and fight the moon that finally now has the lime light.

"I feel the moon is stronger than anyone else in the universe. It's there always with us, be our thick and thin, be it the rainy , summer or any of the thing its always there, even if we are not able to see it, but its existence is still there, we could always feel its presence... but I pity the sun."

"the Sun? Why so?' Abhi asked, as he sat down and asked Akshi to sit beside him.

Marine drive was a place where mostly the couples and citizens would be seen, but it had never occurred to Akshi that it could as well be a place where they could discuss about things as stupid and poetic as these.

"because at the end of the day it has to go, may be shine somewhere else, but that's not with moon, even in the bright light of the sun somewhere or the other we could see, hidden behind the bright light, its still there, but the sun... the darkness engulfs it so very well that its harsh light couldn't even penetrate the soft ambiance of the moon." Akshi took a deep breath and smiled at Abhi who seemed to be very much confused.

Her words had meaning, she knew yet they would never be understood by anyone.

"Its fine, it's just a stupid theory of mine." I Akshi said as she folded her legs in Indian style her bag resting at her side. Her hair let out free to enjoy the beautiful cold wind that surrounded them.

"I think that's interesting, something very deep, but interesting." Abhi laughed at the small frown that had married Akshi's face and yet again, without any control on herself, Akshi kept looking at him.

The nature was beautiful, but the person beside him... she felt was more beautiful than this sun and the moon and the stars or the never ending mirror.

It did sound silly to her, but how ever did she tried to reason herself out, she couldn't stop herself from confessing again and again in her mind that she loved Abhi... she did loved him.

So much that it hurt to even see him laugh, to be with him as a friend and be so oblivious to her feeling. Many times had she zoned out on what he was saying looking at him, drinking in each and every gesture of his, and then when alone - imitating them.

And as the day would end, she would look at herself in the mirror, it scared her to death that she was so deep into it that it would be difficult for her to survive at the end of that journey, where she knew she was going to be all alone.

"And you have zoned out again... Akshi don't make me know that I am that of a boring person." Abhi laughed at the glare that Akshi tried to send him. It only made her look so cute.

"Why are we here?" Akshi finally asked. It wasn't as if she didn't like to be here but it's just that it felt weird. Weird to let everyone know that she was busy on a Sunday evening and then been driven here at marine lines at 5:30 in the evening just to see the sunset.

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