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Days had been blissful for Akshi after the acceptance and confession of their feelings. Though that day it would have had been a disastour, Kartik was generous enough to just exclaim that he was way tired and needs to sleep and warned Abhi to keep his thing in his pants else he wont be able to live the next day. And With the success of TEDx and then the whole time being with each other to try and understand, know and learn new things about each other had been a beautiful journey for Akshi and abhi.

In the beginning it seemed quite difficult to get adjusted to the new changes, some times Akshi would have to tolerate the gossips that were going around the campus or the tantrums that Abhi threw with regards to the boys lingering around her.

It was soon understood by Akshi that Abhi was among those possessive people who would rather want her complete attention. And never in her life could she forget the lengths at which he had gone to make sure he was her first priority and had her complete attention on him.

He reminded her of the kids who were mostly tagged as mama's boy, but Akshi loved this side of Abhi. She was shocked that a man who she had seen being as ignorant as not realizing the attention that he got could as well be an attention seeker. When she had brought this point out when the two were seated at her home nursing on the popcorn with a movie running on the tv for the first time after a while. Abhi had his head on her lap which was obviously agreed after a lot of persuading from him.

When Akshi had begun to feel her legs getting numb she had complained. But Abhi being in the nicest of moods that evening that pulled her down towards his face and had said, "so what I am nagging and being a attention seeker, I am asking it from you, I have a right a do so and you have a right and should complete it... now you have to live with all that I have to give you."

His words had made her smile as she kissed his forehead and the two went back to watching the movie.

With the new spirits to work around and explore, Akshi woke up with a wide smile stretched on her lips. As if a habit now, she quickly took a look at her phone and chuckled as she saw the text from Abhi.

'5 more days to go... I just can't wait for this to end already, by the good morning and love you." A heart and a kissing emoticon would never be missed in his messages. She was about to keep her phone back in its place when another message pooped up in her notification. Quickly opening it up she read,

'Seems you are up... how about breakfast and coffee?'

She quickly typed a reply,

'Would love too, how about you come to my place? And we can study after that.'

As if he was waiting for her message, Akshi quickly got a reply with his infamous hell yess !!

Betting on her instincts that he would be here in about an hour or so, she quickly got off the bed and went off to get ready and make him his favorite breakfast – poha.

It had taken her only a few days to observe how crazy was he for that dish, and no matter what she thought of the circumstances she was grate that even before she could have got herself to make a cup of tea, she was pro at making this dish.

If it would have had been upto her grandma, she knew she would have been ecstatic to know how the circumstances have came up to. Though this was the first time she was making anything for him, she realized as she did this, she came to like the thought of making things for him.

Akshi felt her cheeks warming up at the thought. It surely was too early, but than like Mehek had said, 'when things are perfect and meant to be, there isn't anything as such as too early.'

Giving a finishing touch of the grinded coconut and coriander leaves Akshi was almost done with the dish when the door bell rang. Quickly wiping her hands at the kitchen towel she almost ran out of the kitchen to open the door.

A Bubble Of Happiness {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now