Adjusting, discovering new surrounding

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With a small smile on her face, Akshi looked at her table partners, the class was about to finish and it wouldn't be long enough when they would be done with their activity as well. The books that were all scattered around her made her feel a bit complex.

People around here were pretty good. Analyzing things, looking at them in a different perspective and writing about the same was something that she had always loved to do, and was really good.

That is until she read the first paragraph from her partner's Mehek's journal. It made her question herself, her abilities, the doubt began to set in her tiny brain - Was it really true, that to write, you need to feel and know the pain?

The way Mehek looked at the professor, the way she listened to each and every word he spoke, making points of the statements that weren't of her linking or which she liked the most.

It was amazing, the way everyone worked here. The passion for their work and to be a difference was so evident in their eyes.

"All right students, I would like to receive the reports by Friday, and now you all may disperse." Said professor Chauhan and the whole auditorium was filled with shuffling voices.

"Mehek!" Akshi called out as she saw Mehek ready with her bag pack about to leave the room.

"Ohh Akshi, come let's go we have lit now, it's going to be fun... umm if you are going to attend the lecture that is." Mehek smiled shyly fiddling with the straps of her bag.

"That's why I called out for you, I wouldn't miss literature for the love of God, let's walk together?"

"And maybe even partner as well. I would really like to be your friend." Mehek smiled at Akshi, who stood there still.

May be things weren't that weird, but they surely were.

"I would love to be your friend as well... but don't you think asking out to be your friend is weird?" Akshi asked as they walked out of the door, the corridor filled with huge crowd, as the watchman whistled along the way at the uninterested crowd that walked at their own speed taking their sweet time talking and making plans.

"I know, it's that natural things you know, you talk to few people around on the campus, the firsts are sometimes bad, like you know nightmares and some are like your angles... but then that's a common story to tell don't you think?" Mehek asked.

Akshi turned towards her and stopped as soon as they came out of the corridor in an opening, the sun and air were blessing after the horrendous packed up corridor visit.

"And what do you want to narrate with this?" she asked a wide smile making its place on her face, her heart and brain jumping up with curiosity.

"We would have a different story to tell. Now think about it, we are in the second year of our college, who the heel asks one to become friends, it is expected to be a natural a spur off a moment act..." her hands waving around at many people who passed by, Mehek again looked at Akshi and with her eyes narrowing a bit, the weird expression on her face she continued

"And us my dear new friend would be different, we made ... actually I made a fool of myself, embarrassed us... gave you a memory to laugh even after ages, and trust me that would be the best thing in our story ... so let me ask you again .... Friends??"

"Friends" Akshi replied, and tackled Mehek in a bear hug.

"If we were making it seem weird why not go all the way ?" the two laughed at their own expense and walked off towards their next lecture.


Akshi liked it, for some time it felt as if she had a few friends now. College was a new life that she had waited for a long time. Back in Australia, it was there, everything that a man needed was there; the money, the people, a different air to breathe, everything.

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