Chapter 28 : Renewed Strength

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Adrianna POV

The morning had been bitter cold , and no birds sang. The forest was still , too still , as if it was watching someone , or something. Without the ponies , the company had had to carry their own equipment , instead of piling it onto the small horses backs ( not to mention my own ).

My movements were slow and sluggish , as the pain increased with walking but I pushed on. When ever any of them would ask about the pain , I would smile and say :'never better!'. Of course this was all lies , my chest felt like...well like I'd been skewered on a sword. Breathing was hard , and I kept having episodes of mad coughing in which I'd have to use a tree for support as I muffled my wet hacks with the now-red rag. The dwarves kept casting me weary looks , as if I'd drop dead any moment. So far , I didn't feel like dying today.

I took deep ragged breaths of the humid air , wincing as small stabs of pain zapped my lungs. I was hoping for the pain to fade slightly , or at least that I would become used to it.

The forest seemed like that of a dream , with a moss riddled floor , vine encased trees and small sacred lotuses dotted around like lanterns. It was a charming place , but it was too quiet. I kept my eyes on the our surroundings , watching for a sign of movement , but there was none. I still got the feeling of being watched , even though no one was out there.

The sky opened up and rained down softly , but enough to make us all miserable. My hair stuck to my pale skin , like dark tendrils and the moss covered floor became soft and unstable causing me to slip. I was already in a foul mood because my enchanted clothing was destroyed when Gandalf tried to remove the shard. I was now borrowing some of Filli and killi's clothing , much to my annoyance. I was relieved that my weapons were still enchanted though , at least I wouldn't be defenceless and well as naked when I shifted back.

"Does rain follow us everywhere!?" Cried a soggy Gloin , whose bread was dripping with rain water. He looked like a cat after a bath , fur clinging to its skin. Most of the dwarves had been complaining none stop , and it was beginning to get annoying , like having a child nagging you constantly.

"The weather comes and goes as it pleases , Gloin. But if your that bothered , try a rain dance ! I'm sure that will work" I snapped , at Gloin , sick of his constant voice droning on about the rain. A few of the dwarves sniggered , at the mental image of Gloin prancing about whilst singing to the dismal cloudy sky. Gloin however just scowled and shut his mouth (for once) , concentrating on trudging though the swampy moss floor.

The rain eased up slightly , until it was just a slight 'pitter patter' on the lush green leaves. The rain made the air smell fresh and clean , cheering us up slightly. The mossy ground was still sodden , but the rain didn't add to the unbalanced muddy 'path' we walked along.

A sudden burst of movement caught my eye , causing me to stop and squint into the dense trees surrounding us on all sides. I heard the light thud of hooves hitting the mud , and a soft snort over the rain , but was uncertain if my senses were correct. The company hadn't noticed my absence yet , and were far ahead of me by now. Just as I turned to follow , the sound of hooves elevated and the next thing I know , I was thrown onto the back of a furry , yet scaled creature.

As I slammed down onto the beasts back , my breath left me , so no sound came as the trees flashed past me. The creature was moving so fast the forest was a blur . I clung to my captors thick fur , and clamped my thighs on its smooth scaly hide. I was suddenly struck by motion sickness , making me squeeze my eyes closed as tight as I could.

Luckily , the 'ride' was over as quick as it started , and I was suddenly catapulted from the beasts back. I landed with a hard thud on the mossy ground , once again winding me. A groan escaped me as the pain in my chest flared slightly. When I finally regained my breath , I opened my eyes to stare at the canopy far above. To my surprise , I could see a large ring of grey , cloudy sky , hinting I was in a clearing. I could hear the creatures soft breathing , indicating it was nearby. Slowly and carefully , I sat up clutching my burning chest. The sight I was met with confirmed my suspicion. I was in a beautiful clearing , with walls of strong , tall old willow trees who's leaves swung like curtains , shielding the clearing from prying eyes. The floor was soft moss , with strange flowers growing in patches here and there. My breath left me again as I recognised the dazzling flowers. They were native to my home ; they did not grow anywhere else , so how were they here? My people called them : 'flames of the sun'.

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