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🇬🇧-England's POV-🇬🇧

I watch as everything crumbles into a void. The ground breaks beneath me making me fall. Nostalgia consumes me as I feel lighter as I fall into the darkness.

I smile, I forgot the reason (Y/N) had to see the different versions of myself. She just saw fractions of myself even though she is just a friend. Friend? Is she a friend? No... she's much more. She made me smile even her constant remarks and teasing annoys me. But I love the happy times we spent together.


I jump off the boat after (Y/N). Grabbing her body I await the cool impact of the sea. Which did happen but the thing is... it's not the sea. I opened my eyes to see us floating in a white light.

"love?" (Y/N) isn't in my arms, I looked around. It felt like I was in the water but I can breathe.

The light became brighter, it became hard for me to see as I close my eyes. When I opened my eyes again. I was laying down in a field of flowers.


I looked up to see (Y/N) looking down at me smiling. My head on her lap.

"(Y/N)?" My eyes feel heavy.

"Shhhh..." She shushed me and closed my eyes.

The sweet scent of flowers was comforting.



"Wake up! That's not me!"

It can't be...

"For the loving mother of god, I am going to ruin your tea!"

"NO!" I screamed and bolted up.

I see I'm being hugged by... (Y/N).

In the distance, I see the (Y/N) I was previously with was glaring at us.

"You chose to wake up in reality than have a nice dream with me..." She said lowly but dangerously. The flowery field started to disappear like dust.

"I will remember." She disappeared with the scenery as I was left with the real (Y/N) in darkness and I can still see.

"Are you ok, Artie?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah..." I mumbled. Feeling paralyzed.


I wake up in a cold sweat. I was in my magic room. But then I felt something or someone pushes me down and sat on me.

"Do you remember? Because I do." (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, sure it looks like (Y/N) but the real (Y/N) would never do this.

Then she wrapped her hands around my neck and choke me. Her nails digging into my skin. I struggle to breathe.

"L... Let go..." I half-pleaded as I struggle.

"Yo! Dude, hands off." I saw Alfred slammed (Y/N) into the wall. I would have been very concerned if for wasn't the fact she tried to KILL ME!

Her body was smashed into the wall, dislocated limbs covered in blood.

I held the urge to throw up and ended up mumbling: "god damn it... Alfred."


This was supposed to end differently. Like (Y/N) and Arthur's soul is forever in the false sense of peace in the field of flowers.

Tea, Bitch || England x READER [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now