Chapter 1 - Let Down

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Authors Note: Just to let you know, this is back when the boys first started the band. So picture them "wearing baggy shorts, having weiner haircuts and all looking like Andy". I promise it gets better too.


I was so excited about my dad coming to see me and my younger brothers, Luke and Liam today. Mum and dad split a little over four years ago and we never got to see him much. We hadn’t seen him for almost a year because he always came up with some excuse like he was working or something. But, this time he promised that he’d be here.

I wandered into the kitchen where mum was starting dinner. I leant against the counter looking at the clock, it was getting late.

“Hey mum,” I said getting her attention, “it’s four thirty, when’s dad gonna be here?”

Her face changed to a pained look, I knew I was about to get bad news. Dad was ‘too busy’ again.

“He called and said he was too busy,” mum explained, I knew it, “sorry sweetheart.”

“It’s okay,” I lied, “he just doesn’t want to see me ever again.”

“You know that’s not true,” mum started, “he loves you.”

“When you love someone, you want to see them any chance you get,” I replied, I was really hurt.

“Honey, I’m sorry,” mum apologised, I don’t know why it’s not her fault dad’s an arsehole, “I know how much you love him.”

“I don’t, he doesn’t love me, I don’t love him!” I snapped.

“Shaun, don’t talk like that,” mum tried to calm me.

“I’ll talk like I want!” I shouted storming up the stairs.

I reached the hallway and headed for my room, but Luke stopped me when I arrived at my door.

“Hey, did you hear that dad’s not coming again?” he asked, it just pissed me off even more.

“Yeah, he hates us, that’s why!” I shouted slamming my door in his face.

I collapsed on my bed in hurt and frustration. Why did he do this again? It’s happened too many times before. He has to hate us, or at least one of us. Knowing my luck it’d be me. I’m not the manly son he wanted. I’m fifteen, five foot three and still have the voice of a girl. My dad’s a manly guy, fixing cars and stuff instead of spending all his time listening and making music like me. Tears slowly made their way down my face. This is another reason why dad will never love me, men aren’t supposed to cry.

Suddenly I heard a knock at my door and it slowly opened. I quickly wiped the tears off my face, not wanting anyone to see. I saw mum walk in and sit down on my bed beside me. Here we go, I’ll get a lecture for going off.

“Baby, you okay?” she asked sympathetically.

What? I thought I’d be in trouble.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied keeping my tear stained face hidden.

She sighed, she knew I wasn’t okay.

“I know it’s harder for you now that you’re getting older,” she went on, “all teenage boys need their father.”

“I don’t,” I sniffed, “I don’t care.”

“It’s obvious you do,” she began, “but you can talk to me like I’m a guy anytime.”

“I think that’s impossible, mum,” I laughed.

“I suppose so,” she laughed, “you should make sure that you have everything ready for your first day of year ten tomorrow.”

I was actually excited about school tomorrow. I’ll get to see my best friends Bradie and Andy. We started a band this month and we were still yet to write our first song. I was excited about it though. I’d been wanting to start a band ever since I first picked up guitar three years ago in music class.

I just hoped I was in every one of Bradie’s classes. I don’t really have any other friends there, except Andy. I wasn’t good with talking to new people, my anxiety always got the better of me…

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